Action Learning

Action Learning

Active learning with TimeTEX! Make new learning content more understandable for children & increase your class's motivation through active movement. With us, you'll find child-friendly games for active learning in elementary school. But what exactly is active learning? Read on…

Active learning with TimeTEX! Make new learning content more understandable for children & increase your class's motivation through active movement. With us, you'll find child-friendly games for... read more »
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Action Learning

Active learning with TimeTEX! Make new learning content more understandable for children & increase your class's motivation through active movement. With us, you'll find child-friendly games for active learning in elementary school. But what exactly is active learning? Read on…

"Mobile Learning" Target Counting Game, 12 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Target Counting Game, 12 pcs.
This game with 3 targets is not only a great resource to practice arithmetic in a playful and fun way . In addition, it also trains hand-eye coordination . As children move about while learning , the material they learn is retained better. Even complicated arithmetic tasks become child's play. The three polyester targets each form the number range up to 10, 20 or from 10 to 100 in increments of...
  • arithmetic exercises are incorporated into games
  • trains hand-eye coordination
  • supports "Mobile Learning"
€19.90 *
Activity Cards "Active Learning" 20 pcs. Activity Cards "Active Learning" 20 pcs.
Use these activity cards to introduce movement into the classroom. That is why they are particularly good for lesson and topic changes or for livening up lessons occasionally or they can be used as a warm-up in sports lessons. Colourful pictures are set out on 20 large cards, depicting different figurative representations of activities , which have to be re-enacted by the children. The activity...
€7.95 *
"Mobile Learning" Class Set 28 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Class Set 28 pcs.
This game set brings movement into the classroom. It is therefore very well-suited for lesson and topic changes or for loosening things up in between. The children spread out among the bright circles or each pupil is assigned to a place. Then the three dice are rolled to determine who does what movement and how many times. One die shows the numbers 1-6, another shows the colours of the circles...
  • to add a bit of fun to lessons
  • Increase concentration
  • with teacher's guide


€59.90 *
"Balance Bags" Coordination Set, 3 pcs. "Balance Bags" Coordination Set, 3 pcs.
This set is suitable for a variety of games and exercises in the classroom. The cotton bags are filled with a plastic granulate and are great for throwing, squashing and catching. They can also be placed comfortably on the head and balanced. Initially, pupils balance the bags on their heads, and then move on to performing movements with the bags on their heads. The balancing bags support...
  • promotes the power of concentration
  • for the development of balance
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work
€11.90 *
"Catch the Ball" Coordination Game, 4 pcs. "Catch the Ball" Coordination Game, 4 pcs.
This plastic game has a variety of uses . Specifically, for loosening up lessons or in sports lessons and school fairs. The game is really useful for improving the pupils' ability to concentrate during lesson or topic changes. With the extra-large cup , even smaller children can catch the ball. The game trains coordination, skill, responsiveness and the ability to work in pairs or as a team....
  • promotes the power of concentration
  • for the development and improvement of motor skills
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work
€4.95 *
Activity Cards XL A4 "Active Learning", magnetic, 26 pcs. Activity Cards XL A4 "Active Learning", magnetic, 26 pcs.
Use these activity cards to introduce movement into the classroom. That is why they are particularly good for lesson and topic changes or for livening up lessons occasionally or they can be used as a warm-up in sports lessons. Colourful pictures are set out on 24 large cards in A4 format, depicting different figurative representations of activities , which have to be re-enacted by the children....
  • 24 activity cards for copying
  • with magnetic squares for attaching to the board
  • makes teaching easier and increases concentration

TimeTEX Innovation

€14.90 *
Würfelscheiben "Streichelgeschichten", 30 Stück Würfelscheiben "Streichelgeschichten", 30 Stück
Dieses Set enthält 30 Würfelscheiben für den Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten . Zu kurzen, kindgerechten Streichelversen massieren sich die Kinder selbst oder gegenseitig. Dabei gibt es Geschichten zu einzelnen Bereichen des Körpers aber auch für den ganzen Körper. Das beiliegende Heft enthält nicht nur die dazugehörigen Geschichten mit genauen Anleitungen, was jeweils zu tun ist....
  • Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
  • 30 Massagegeschichten
  • fördert die Körperwahrnehmung
  • zur Entspannung zwischendurch
€15.50 *
Flüster-Würfel mit Augen XXL, bunt, 28 cm Flüster-Würfel mit Augen XXL, bunt, 28 cm
Dieser extra-große Schaumstoffwürfel garantiert flüsterleisen Würfel-Spaß . Der weiche Schaumstoff-Körper ist von einer weichen Kunstleder-Hülle umschlossen, wodurch der Würfel gut und angenehm zu greifen ist. Selbst, wenn er einmal zu Boden fällt, ist der Würfel leise. Durch das Soft-Material ist der Mathe-Würfel nicht nur für den Unterricht, sondern auch für Wurfspiele geeignet, da niemand...
  • bunte Oberfläche mit Augen
  • flüsterleises Würfeln durch Schaumstoff-Kern
  • auch für Wurfspiele geeignet
€29.95 *
Class set of blank dice with pockets 15 cm, 12 pcs. In box Class set of blank dice with pockets 15 cm, 12 pcs. In box
These practical, colourful dice can be used and designed anywhere . There are transparent insert pockets covering each of the 6 sides. This allows the insertion of all sorts of customised content, e.g. on blank card or paper inserts (labelled with a task or design). The blank insert cards are available separately. Each cube has a foam centre enclosed in a fabric cover (100% polyester). Due to...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Can be designed and used individually
  • Lovely, large, transparent viewing window
  • Suitable for catching games thanks to lightweight design
  • Class set with 12 cubes in a practical plastic box

TimeTEX innovation

Demonstration video

€218.70 * €199.00 *
Flugtüte "Luftikus", 80 cm lang Flugtüte "Luftikus", 80 cm lang
Bewegtes Lernen ist besonders in Kindergarten und Grundschule wichtig, denn mittels Bewegung nehmen Kinder ihre Umwelt mit allen Sinnen wahr. Diese Fähigkeit kommt dem Lernen insofern zugute, da die ganzheitliche Wahrnehmung das Fundament für geistige und motorische Fähigkeiten bildet. Außerdem verbessern bereits kurze Bewegungsphasen die Sauerstoff- und Zuckerversorgung des Gehirns. In der...
  • zur Auflockerung im Unterricht und in der Freistunde
  • Wurfspaß für drinnen und draußen oder in Lernspielen
  • trainiert Geschicklichkeit und Wurfkraft
€4.95 *
Würfelscheiben "24 Powerpausen für Kinder", 24 Stück Würfelscheiben "24 Powerpausen für Kinder", 24 Stück
Dieses Set enthält 24 Würfelscheiben für den Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten. Die Übungen fördern die Körperbeherrschung, Auge-Hand-Koordination, Beinkoordination und trainieren auch die kognitiven Fähigkeiten. So bringen die Übungen aus Kinesiologie, Kinder-Yoga und Gehirnjogging Körper und Geist in Bewegung. Im beiliegenden Anleitungsheft werden alle Übungskarten ausführlich...
  • Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
  • 24 Übungen aus Kinesiologie, Kinder-Yoga und Gehirnjogging
  • zur Auflockerung zwischendurch
  • zur Steigerung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit
€14.50 *
Würfelscheiben "Kinderyoga mit dem Yoga-Würfel", 42 Stück Würfelscheiben "Kinderyoga mit dem Yoga-Würfel", 42 Stück
Dieses Set enthält 42 Würfelscheiben für den Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten. Die einfachen Yoga-Übungen können einzeln oder als kompletter Bewegungsablauf durchgeführt werden und bringen die Kinder dazu, sich zu bewegen. Für sechs Flows (Bewegungsabfolgen) sind je sechs Asanas (einzelne Bewegungen) enthalten, zusätzlich eine Titelscheibe zu jedem Flow. Auf spielerische Weise werden...
  • Ergänzung zum Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten
  • 6 Yoga-Flows mit jeweils 6 Asanas
  • Spiel, Bewegung und Sprache vereinen
  • fördert Gesundheit, Beweglichkeit und Konzentration
€17.50 *
Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten, 16 cm Flüster-Würfel XXL mit individuellen Seiten, 16 cm
Dieser Würfel bietet unzählige Einsatzmöglichkeiten und lässt sich individuell gestalten. Er ist leicht und dabei äußerst robust , somit kann er auch problemlos draußen eingesetzt werden. Doch gerade drinnen besticht er durch seine Fähigkeiten: dank dem verwendeten Schaumstoff-Material und der gerundeten Kanten / Ecken rollt er besonders gut und flüsterleise ab. Im Lieferumfang sind...
  • immer wieder individuell gestaltbar
  • aus Schaumstoff für flüsterleises Würfeln
  • weitere Würfelscheiben als Set separat erhältlich
€24.50 *
Karten-Set "30x Rückenschule Bildkarten für Kinder" Karten-Set "30x Rückenschule Bildkarten für Kinder"
In einer Zeit, in der Kinder zunehmend Zeit im Sitzen verbringen und der Schreibtischalltag dominanter wird, ist die Förderung einer guten Körperhaltung von entscheidender Bedeutung. Diese Rückenschule-Bildkarten für Kinder sind eine gute Möglichkeit, um die Gesundheit ihrer Schüler und Kinder aktiv zu fördern. Sie können Ihren Unterricht oder ihre Gruppe mit kindgerechten Illustrationen...
  • farbig illustrierte Bildkarten mit Reimen
  • Stabilität der Stützmuskulatur
  • Verbesserung der Körperhaltung
€21.00 *
Karten-Set "30 Power-Pausen für Kinder" Karten-Set "30 Power-Pausen für Kinder"
Bewegungspausen in der Schule sind sinnvoll, um die geistige Leistungsfähigkeit der Kinder anzukurbeln. Pausen, die mit Koordinationsübungen oder Bewegungsspielen gefüllt sind, fördern die Konzentration der Kinder, die sich nach der sportlichen Einheit auf den nächsten Unterrichtsblock fokussieren können. Zusätzlich sorgen kurze Bewegungseinheiten dafür, dass sich Kinder entspannen und einen...
  • abwechslungsreiche Bewegungsübungen auf bunten Karten
  • Steigerung der Konzentrationsfähigkeit
  • Entspannung und innere Ruhe
€21.00 *
Karten-Set "30 Kinderyoga-Bildkarten" Karten-Set "30 Kinderyoga-Bildkarten"
Tauchen Sie ein in die kreative Welt des Kinderyogas mit unseren farbenfrohen Kinderyoga-Bildkarten, die speziell für Lehrkräfte entwickelt wurden, um eine spielerische und bereichernde Erfahrung im Klassenzimmer zu schaffen. Jede Karte ist mit lebhaften Motiven gestaltet, die die Aufmerksamkeit der Kinder fesseln und ihre Fantasie anregen. Durch die Integration von Reimen wird das Lernen von...
  • 30 Yoga-Übungen für Kinder mit ausführlicher Anleitung
  • farbige Tiermotive für verschiedene Yoga-Positionen
  • keine Vorkenntnisse notwendig
€21.00 *
Card set "50 games for the playground" Card set "50 games for the playground"
This set of cards offers ideas for indoors and outdoors, for short or long breaks, and is ideal for free time or for a break between activities. Under supervision, most games can also be played by pre-school age children. The 50 cards made from FSC®-certified paper contain a range of classic school playground games including Chinese skipping, ball and catching games, and scavenger hunts. But...
  • 50 cards with games for indoors and outdoors
  • Ideal for free periods or as a fun breakout activity
  • Games, counting rhymes, clapping and singing games and much more
€8.95 *
Activity Softball "Confetti", approx. 8 cm ø Activity Softball "Confetti", approx. 8 cm ø
This softball with PU centre is suitable for catching games to liven up lessons and to boost children's concentration through movement . This makes it ideal for lesson changeovers or between topics or simply as occasional entertainment. In addition, the softball is useful for vocabulary games and other games . The ball is particularly lightweight and weighs just 110g. So nothing can go wrong if...
  • for vocabulary or other games
  • to add a bit of fun to lessons
  • really light and very quiet


€9.95 *
Skipping rope "Ladybird / Bee", 210 cm Skipping rope "Ladybird / Bee", 210 cm
This sweet skipping rope comes in a ladybird or bee design and will get kids really fit! The handles are made from wood, which makes them pleasant and easy to grip. The rope is robust and very hard wearing. Skipping ropes promote hand-eye coordination, stamina and the development of motor skills. They are also incredibly fun! Dimensions: approx. 210 cm long high-quality skipping rope sweet...
  • high-quality skipping rope
  • sweet ladybird or bee design
  • promotes stamina and motor skills
€8.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays English Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays English
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • generates interest in languages in a fun way
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball  "Pello" - Numbers up to 20 Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 20
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Thread Game "Rainbow" Thread Game "Rainbow"
Thread games have inspired children around the world for many generations. This ribbon is in motley rainbow colours and children will immediately start having fun knotting different figures. The instructions contain 2 illustrated step-by-step instructions for 2 thread figures for which you do not need a teammate. This way, the children can start right away and quickly see a result. The game...
  • Thread game ribbon in bright rainbow colours
  • With illustrated step-by-step instructions
  • Promotes fine motor skills, dexterity and the ability to work in a team
€2.95 *
Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs. Game Maths Swats "10 Number Range", 99 pcs.
With this game, the children become really fit in the number range up to 10 , because speed is required here. On the front of 90 cards designed as flies are the numbers from 1-10, on the back are equations , which can be used to diversify the game experience. There are numerous ways to use this game, for example, you have to find the matching equation to the number shown on the turntable or the...
  • Get fit in the number range up to 10
  • With addition and subtraction exercises
  • Trains more quickly solving arithmetic tasks
€29.90 *
Book "Yoga macht Kinder stark", 45 pages Book "Yoga macht Kinder stark", 45 pages
Yoga strengthens awareness of body, mind and spirit and can help children breathe deeply, increase concentration , maintain flexibility or relax . The various exercises in the book are explained in an easy-to-follow 4 steps with photos . For each exercise there is a brief overview of exactly which part of the body it strengthens. Some exercises tell short stories , for example the lion defends...
  • promotes health, mobility and power of concentration
  • strengthens self-confidence
  • each exercise explained with photos and text
  • content in German language
€16.95 *
Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs. Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs.
This set contains simple, child-friendly step-by-step instructions on cards for 30 practical knot types , which the children can easily follow and will immediately practise eagerly and with lots of fun. The 2 enclosed high-quality paracord cords are perfect for practising knots and even glow at night. So you can get started straight away without any major preparations. Besides the detailed,...
  • 30 large format cards with knot types
  • 4 cards with knot tricks
  • 2 paracord cords with reflective yarn, each 1m long
€14.95 *
Floor Number Line Xl, 0-20, 600 cm long Floor Number Line Xl, 0-20, 600 cm long
Hop and learn the numbers 1-20 – this wipe-clean vinyl floor mat promotes active learning through movement . Understand what addition and subtraction mean by hopping forward 3 circles to add the number 3 or going back 2 steps to subtract the number 2. Besides basic number learning from 1-20, this develops the fundamental understanding required for early arithmetic and promotes gross motor...
  • learn the numbers 1-20
  • promotes active learning through movement
  • wipeable mat
€42.90 *
Set of Cards "Mime Games for Children", 40 pcs. Set of Cards "Mime Games for Children", 40 pcs.
The classic game with child-friendly topics and beautiful illustrations. There is a diverse mix of topics, from professions to animals to leisure activities. Thanks to the pictures, even younger children can play along well. The child whose turn it is simply draws a card and tries to show the others what is on the card using only movement and completely without words. As well as being fun, mime...
  • promotes creativity, imagination and self-confidence
  • also suitable for large groups
  • ideal for free periods or as a fun breakout activity


€6.95 *
Dice Game "Learning Through Movement", 13 pcs. Dice Game "Learning Through Movement", 13 pcs.
This throwing game not only trains motor skills and accuracy , but also makes it easy to learn shapes, numbers, colours and much more. The set consists of 4 games in one and contains a throwing board with numbers, shapes and colours, while the fourth side of the throwing board can be used for free play or to invent your own games . With stickers or tape, you can mark each hole as you wish, for...
  • throwing board with 4 different sides
  • to learn shapes, colours and numbers
  • including 12 bean bags with numbers
€99.90 *
Movement Cube, 13 cm ø Movement Cube, 13 cm ø
This soft foam cube brings movement into the classroom! 12 varied movement tasks provide variety and train agility, dexterity and fitness. Simply roll the cube and carry out the activity indicated by the words and descriptive symbols on the side facing uppermost. This makes exercise fun! The cube is ideal for lesson changeovers or as break between topics or simply as entertainment in-between....
  • promotes the development of motor and social skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves concentration skills and is fun
€12.95 *
Wooden Yoyo "Ladybug", 4 cm ø Wooden Yoyo "Ladybug", 4 cm ø
This beautiful wooden yoyo "Ladybug" has a narrow string gap and is ideal for loop tricks. The yoyo promotes motor skills, dexterity, coordination and concentration and is also ideal as a gift for children's birthdays, as a souvenir or giveaway. The wooden yoyo in red and black ladybug design fits perfectly as a playful addition to our ladybug breeding sets. Scope of delivery: 1 wooden yoyo...
  • promotes motor skills, dexterity and coordination
  • ideal for loop tricks
  • perfect item to complement the ladybird breeding kit


€2.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Fruit and Vegetables Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Fruit and Vegetables
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • improves concentration skills and is fun
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences French Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences French
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • generates interest in languages in a fun way
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 10 Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 10
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes mathematical skills in a fun way
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Parts of Speech Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Parts of Speech
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • a playful way of learning language
  • promotes movement and creativity

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Animals Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Animals
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • improves concentration skills and is fun
  • promotes movement and imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Periodic Table Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Periodic Table
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes understanding of the main elements
  • creates room for movement and promotes observational skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Careers Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Careers
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes movement and imagination skills
  • creates room for movement and promotes observational skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Road Safety Education Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Road Safety Education
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • increases understanding of correct behaviour on the roads
  • creates room for movement and promotes observational skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes creativity in a fun way
  • creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Card Set "Yoga for Kids - 50 Exciting Exercises for the Whole Family" Card Set "Yoga for Kids - 50 Exciting Exercises for the Whole Family"
Yoga for Kids - 50 exciting exercises for the whole family by Tara Gruber & Leah Kalish, Illustration by Sophie Fatus This set contains 50 cards with yoga exercises for kids to help them take deep breaths , concentrate , increase mobility or relax. Yoga increases awareness of body, mind and spirit. You can do the exercises together with the children to help you take a breather and unwind too....
  • encourages health, movement and concentration skills
  • with images and instructions for each exercise
  • for relaxation during lessons or PE lessons
€14.95 *
Blank Dice with Pockets 6 cm Blank Dice with Pockets 6 cm
This practical, colourful dice can be universally used and designed . On all 6 sides there are transparent insert pockets . Freely designable content can be inserted here, e.g. on blank card or paper insert (labelled with a task or design). The dice has a foam core inside surrounded by a fabric casing (100% polyester). Since the dice is small and practical, it fits inside any bag. It's...
  • can be designed and used individually
  • lovely, large, transparent windows
  • suitable for catching game thanks to light weight


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration Video


€8.95 *
Dice Set "Movement", 12 pcs. 20 mm in box Dice Set "Movement", 12 pcs. 20 mm in box
A total of 12 six-sided dice to introduce some movement during lessons , because these are ideal for lesson changeovers , to break up the lesson or to increase concentration levels . The fitness dice are also perfect as an occasional little game or for use in sports lessons . Depending what year the children are in, they can throw one or more dice , which allows more challenging tasks to be...
  • made of high-quality plastic, with rounded edges/corners
  • multiple dice can be used simultaneously, or just one dice at a time
  • also ideal for use individually, in pairs or as a group


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€9.95 *
Activity Cards XL A4 "Active Learning", magnetic, in box, 26 pcs. Activity Cards XL A4 "Active Learning", magnetic, in box, 26 pcs.
Use these activity cards to introduce movement into the classroom. That is why they are particularly good for lesson and topic changes or for livening up lessons occasionally or they can be used as a warm-up in sports lessons. Colourful pictures are set out on 24 large cards in A4 format, depicting different figurative representations of activities , which have to be re-enacted by the children....
  • 24 activity cards for copying
  • with magnetic squares for attaching to the board
  • makes teaching easier and increases concentration

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" Movement Variations Learning Game Ball "Pello" Movement Variations
This ball contains 30 different movement suggestions in 3 coloured sections. The red section stands for movements of the arm, green for the legs and blue for the body. This brings movement to the classroom. The ball is ideal for lesson changeovers or between topics or simply as occasional entertainment . It is also suitable for warming up for PE lessons . The learning game balls have been...
  • the learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves concentration skills and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Cogwheel Game, different parts, 116 pcs. Cogwheel Game, different parts, 116 pcs.
With this set of cogwheels, children can build anything they want. With the many coloured parts, they can create endless constructions , which are then driven with a small lever . The special thing about this set is that it includes many other parts in addition to the levers and cogs, such as chains, pulleys, hooks etc. This means the possibilities are endless. The assembly of the parts trains...
  • for endless and imaginative constructions
  • develops motor skills
  • develops problem-solving and concentration skills


From €62.90 *
Globe Ball "Mega", english labelling, approx. 85 cm ø Globe Ball "Mega", english labelling, approx. 85 cm ø
This inflatable plastic globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons . Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. The globe is written in English and includes a whole host of additional information as well as the countries, cities and seas. - coloured representation...
  • inflatable globe with English text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • with lots of information such as flags, mountains, deserts etc.



€59.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Break Set, 85 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Break Set, 85 pcs.
The products in this set bring movement and diversity to the classroom. They also encourage relaxation and better concentration. Card game "Mobile Learning", 60 pcs. in a case #92104 The 60 cards provide exercises for coordination, relaxation, social skills and rhythm. The children are brought to move in accordance with the card instructions. 60 cards with movement exercises to add a bit of fun...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Card game "Mobile Learning", 60 pcs. in a case
  • Activity cards "active learning" 20 pcs
  • Blank dice with pockets 15 cm
  • Coordination set "Balance Bags", 3 pcs.
  • "Globus" exercise softball, approx. 10 cm diameter


€47.15 * €39.90 *
Globe Ball XXL, german labelling, approx. 50 cm ø Globe Ball XXL, german labelling, approx. 50 cm ø
This inflatable plastic globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons . Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. The countries and seas are indicated in German and major cities are marked. National borders are shown as well as time zones, latitude and longitude. If...
  • inflatable globe with German text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • can be written on with markers


€19.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Floor Numbers, 1-10, 10 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Floor Numbers, 1-10, 10 pcs.
With the plastic floor numbers, various games and learning tasks with movement can be integrated into the lesson. Thanks to their non-slip base , the floor numbers are perfect for jumping, hopping and balancing. With enthusiasm and fun, the children learn the numbers and how to name them , order them and perform their first small calculations. In addition to the numbers, the mats are also in...
  • floor numbers for a range of games
  • non-slip base for stability
  • for learning numbers
€44.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Floor Letters, A-Z, 26 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Floor Letters, A-Z, 26 pcs.
With the plastic floor letters, various games and learning tasks involving movement can be integrated into the lesson. Thanks to their non-slip base , the floor letters are perfect for jumping, hopping and balancing. With enthusiasm and fun, the children learn the letters and how to name them , order them and form their first words. Whether you need to name hidden letters of the alphabet or...
  • floor letters for a variety of games
  • non-slip base for stability
  • for learning the alphabet


€99.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Swatters, 4 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Swatters, 4 pcs.
These sturdy plastic learning swatters are versatile in classroom use. Specifically, whenever something needs to be emphasised . No matter whether it's clapping for syllables, vowels, parts of speech or basic arithmetic. The swatters spare the hands of the pupils and the teacher, if the teacher is leading the clapping. A variety of games can be created easily with additional resources, for...
  • can be used in a variety of ways in the classroom
  • for individual learning games
  • with instructions for download
€7.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello", Measurement Units Learning Game Ball "Pello", Measurement Units
This ball contains various tasks for converting units of measure . Whether weights, volumes or units of length - there are tasks for every topic. A solution sheet helps to determine the right solution. The learning game balls have been developed under the motto " play, move and learn ".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In...
  • educational game balls approx. 35 cm diameter
  • 1 fabric cover and 2 special balloons with mouthpiece for inflating
  • with detailed instructions

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Number Game, 0-12, 32 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Number Game, 0-12, 32 pcs.
With this game, children learn to find their way around the number range to 12 and solve their first arithmetic problems . All numbers from 0 to 12 are vividly distributed on a vinyl mat. With the dice, the children can play different games involving the numbers and become familiar with them and possible calculations. The fact that the children have to move during the game makes learning more...
  • promotes the power of concentration
  • playfully teaches the number range and arithmetic
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work
€59.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Silent Cup Game, 12 pcs. in bag "Mobile Learning" Silent Cup Game, 12 pcs. in bag
The cups, made from soft PE foam, enliven lessons while sparing your ears . The material enables children to play the game without noise. It is therefore perfect for use in the classroom or for loosening up. Labelling the cups with 1-10 enables them to be used in mathematics lessons. They can also be used in sports lessons , in free study and on school trips, both indoors and outdoors. Thanks...
  • silent cups minimise noise
  • printed cups for exciting arithmetic tasks
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work


€39.90 *
"Mobile Learning" Alphabet Learning Game, 34 pcs. "Mobile Learning" Alphabet Learning Game, 34 pcs.
With this game, children learn letters , the noises for letters and learn their shape . All letters are vividly distributed on a vinyl mat. With the accompanying dice and markers , a wide range of games can be played which make children more confident in recognising letters. The mat is erasable and therefore has a long usage life. With teacher's guide. promotes the power of concentration...
  • promotes the power of concentration
  • playfully teaches the alphabet and reading comprehension
  • can also be used for lesson changes or free work
€54.90 *
"Globus" Exercise Softball, approx. 10 cm ø "Globus" Exercise Softball, approx. 10 cm ø
This softball is suitable for catching games which lighten up the lesson and which boost children's concentration through movement . It is therefore very well-suited for lesson and topic changes or for loosening things up in between. In addition, the softball is also useful for vocabulary games and other games . The foam ball is soft and light , so nothing can happen even if the ball is...
  • for relaxation or games
  • soft and light
  • globe with English labelling


€4.95 *
Variant selection
"Mobile Learning" Soft Frisbee, approx. 22 cm ø "Mobile Learning" Soft Frisbee, approx. 22 cm ø
Made of soft neoprene, these frisbees are ideal for a variety of classroom games to loosen things up and encourage children to exercise . They are very well-suited for lesson and topic changes or for loosening things up in between. They are also perfect for sports lessons . These frisbees have excellent flight characteristics and because they are light and soft , the handling is safe. Even if...
  • soft neoprene with punched pattern - easy to grip
  • good for loosening things up or for subject/lesson changes
  • suitable for indoor and outdoor use as well as swimming lessons


Colour selection


From €17.90 *
Gears Game, 1 size, 150 pcs. Gears Game, 1 size, 150 pcs.
With this cogwheel set, children can build anything they can imagine. With the many coloured parts, they can create endless constructions , which are then powered by a small lever . Putting the pieces together trains the motoric skills , putting what the children imagine into practice trains problem-solving skills and power of concentration . The sets can either be used individually or combined...
  • for endless and imaginative constructions
  • trains motor skills
  • trains problem-solving and concentration skills


From €69.90 *
Globe Ball, German Labelling, approx. 30 cm ø Globe Ball, German Labelling, approx. 30 cm ø
This inflatable globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons. Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. Each country has a shining colour to make the national borders good visible. Can be written on with markers. Since it is inflatable and thus soft, it is also...
  • inflatable globe with German text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • can be written on with markers


€11.90 *
Blank Dice with Pockets 15 cm Blank Dice with Pockets 15 cm
This practical, bright dice can be universally used and designed. On all 6 sides there are transparent full-surface pockets. Freely designable content can be inserted here, e.g. on blank card or paper insert (labelled with a task or design). On the inside, the dice has a foam centre witch is covered with a fabric cover (100% polyester). Due to its size and low weight, the cube is also well...
  • individually applicable and designable
  • beautiful and large, transparent viewing windows
  • suitable for catching games due to light weight


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€14.90 * €11.18 *
Skateboard "Racing Board" with 4 castors Skateboard "Racing Board" with 4 castors
Children can speed around on this skateboard and their muscles will be strengthened while having fun. Skateboarding is lots of fun and enables new movement experiences that also encourage sense of balance . Whether on their belly, kneeling or sitting, movement comes into play with this skateboard. The skateboard has integrated handles , is made of ABS plastic and has four castors. Available in...
  • encourages sense of balance and strengthens muscles
  • made of sturdy ABS plastic with integrated grips
  • load capacity 50 kg, with 4 castors
€34.90 *
Soft Ball, laughing face, 60 mm ø Soft Ball, laughing face, 60 mm ø
Use the relaxation ball between classes and you will realise that it works wonders! Available as a stress ball (holds the squished shape) or soft ball (springs back to the original shape). Relax ball for your break or between appointments work small miracles always takes the original form again
  • Relax ball for your break or between appointments
  • work small miracles
  • always takes the original form again

Advisory video

€1.75 *
Blank Dice with Pockets 20 cm Blank Dice with Pockets 20 cm
This practical, bright dice can be universally used and designed. On all 6 sides there are transparent full-surface pockets. Freely designable content can be inserted here, e.g. on blank card or paper insert (labelled with a task or design). On the inside, the dice has a foam centre witch is covered with a fabric cover (100% polyester). Due to its size and low weight, the cube is also well...
  • individually applicable and designable
  • beautiful and large, transparent viewing windows
  • suitable for catching games due to light weight


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€24.90 *
Blank Dice with Pockets 25 cm Blank Dice with Pockets 25 cm
This practical, bright dice can be universally used and designed. On all 6 sides there are transparent full-surface pockets. Freely designable content can be inserted here, e.g. on blank card or paper insert (labelled with a task or design). On the inside, the dice has a foam centre witch is covered with a fabric cover (100% polyester). Due to its size and low weight, the cube is also well...
  • individually applicable and designable
  • beautiful and large, transparent viewing windows
  • suitable for catching games due to light weight


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€34.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - ABC Learning Game Ball "Pello" - ABC
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 * €14.93 *
Card Game "Tu's doch!" ("Do it!") Card Game "Tu's doch!" ("Do it!")
st/sp - no problem "Tu's doch!" is a doing word game where the children should do everything that is written on the playing cards, e.g. "stell dich auf den Stuhl", or "get on the stool". This helps children better grasp the relationship between the words they read and the actions. At the same time, they learn correct spelling. This game is specifically designed for doing words with st and sp....

st/sp - no problem! "Tu's doch!" is a doing word game where the children should do everything that is written on the playing cards, e.g. "stell dich auf den Stuhl", or "get on the stool".

€8.90 * €4.95 *
"Mobile Learning" Card Game, 60 pcs. in a case "Mobile Learning" Card Game, 60 pcs. in a case
This card game brings movement into the lesson . The 60 cards provide exercises for coordination, relaxation, social skills and rhythm . The children are brought to move in accordance with the card instructions . This loosens up the lesson , the pupils relax and are ready for further tasks . In addition, the exercises are good for coordination, the social atmosphere in the class and the...
  • 60 Cards with movement exercises
  • to loosen up lessons
  • to improve the social atmosphere and concentration

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€8.95 *
Floor Number Line XL, 0-30, 660 cm long Floor Number Line XL, 0-30, 660 cm long
This XL-format number line with a length of over 6 metres playfully promotes understanding of numbers from 1-30 and provides understanding by personally walking through the numbers in a wonderful way. The different colourings (even blue, odd red, zero black) make it easier for children to tell the numbers apart. The ground made made of robust vinyl is perfect for counting, adding and...
  • Vinyl number line floor mat
  • with a length of over 6 metres
  • for a better understanding of the numbers


€42.90 *
Hundred Play Mat made of Vinyl, 120 x 120 cm Hundred Play Mat made of Vinyl, 120 x 120 cm
This hundred mat made of vinyl contains all numbers from 1 to 100 and is suitable for playful development of numbers up to 100. With both inflatable dice, basic arithmetic can also be trained, solutions can be shown with the 54 markings included. Size: approx. 120 cm x 120 cm large hundreds mat with the numbers from 1 to 100 incl. two inflatable cubes trains basic calculation operations
  • large hundreds mat with the numbers from 1 to 100
  • incl. two inflatable cubes
  • trains basic calculation operations
€42.90 *
Blank Dice with Pockets 10 cm Blank Dice with Pockets 10 cm
This practical, bright dice can be universally used and designed. On all 6 sides there are transparent full-surface pockets. Freely designable content can be inserted here, e.g. on blank card or paper insert (labelled with a task or design). On the inside, the dice has a foam centre witch is covered with a fabric cover (100% polyester). Due to its size and low weight, the cube is also well...
  • individually applicable and designable
  • beautiful and large, transparent viewing windows
  • suitable for catching games due to light weight


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€10.90 * €8.72 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences English Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences English
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
TimeTEX Globe Ball "Maxi" neutral TimeTEX Globe Ball "Maxi" neutral
The globe ball is inflatable can easily be carried along. Labelling with wipe-clean marker pens makes it useful for lessons and can also be used for learning while playing. The continents are kept neutral, i.e. they can be labelled (corrected) with a wipe-clean marker pen by entering the continents, countries or even their capitals and if necessary positioning them. Size: diameter approx. 68.5...
  • inflatable globe without labelling
  • neutral continents
  • can be written on with markers


€27.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences German Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences German
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Inovacija

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball  "Pello" - Numbers up to 100 Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Numbers up to 100
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Small Times Tables Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Small Times Tables
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Replacement Balloon Set for Learning Game Ball "Pello" Replacement Balloon Set for Learning Game Ball "Pello"
Replacement balloon set for learning game ball 2 special balloons with extra-thick wall + mouthpiece Material: natural rubber 2 special balloons with extra-thick wall + mouthpiece suitable for our learning game balls
  • 2 special balloons
  • with extra-thick wall + mouthpiece
  • suitable for our learning game balls

TimeTEX Innovation

€4.95 *
Tricours - Game Tricours - Game
A wonderful game for boosting social skills. Two to three children have to work together to try to get the ball in the right hole. It only works if they all work together, coordinate and have a common goal. Size: approx. 37 x 31 cm, in an attractive cardboard box game for boosting social skills only succeeds through teamwork helping together, agreeing and having a goal in mind
  • game for boosting social skills
  • only succeeds through teamwork
  • helping together, agreeing and having a goal in mind


Advisory video


€34.90 *


Active Learning in Elementary School

Multiplication tables or vocabulary quizzes with a colorful learning ball, spelling with dance & music: Active learning can be used in many subject areas. Integrate active learning playfully into school in subjects like math, German, or social studies, as well as in foreign language classes like English/French, and promote children's development. The learning balls on various topics, coordination games, and movement games from TimeTEX will surely bring a "breath of fresh air" to your classroom.

What Does Active Learning Mean?

Active learning is an efficient complement to traditional frontal teaching in quiet sitting, allowing children to grasp and internalize learning content with all their senses. Overall, it's about children learning better through active movement with the help of teaching aids. Active teaching helps students absorb and understand what they've learned more easily because movement stimulates circulation and improves blood flow to the brain. This ensures that information processing is enhanced. Additionally, it promotes concentration, motor skills, creativity, and language use.

Children who naturally have a high need for movement often find it difficult to sit still and concentrate on their work in class or at home. It's exactly these children who can benefit from the combination of learning and movement. But even for those who are not fond of sports and kids who are unmotivated to learn, learning with movement is a very good way to train motor skills and increase learning motivation with playful exercises. Furthermore, active learning in elementary school can also be used effectively as a break-time activity.

Active learning also has the positive effect that students gain a new access to content. This is particularly true for children who struggle in certain areas such as math, reading, grammar, or vocabulary learning. Through the combination of learning and movement, they realize that learning can also be fun and associate it with a positive feeling.

Not only does active learning have a positive effect on children, it's also a great support and relaxation for teachers and parents in class or during home learning.

Learning Better Through Movement – But How?

What could active learning look like in your classroom? With our tips, we want to inspire you for your next lesson design. Here's how you can easily incorporate active learning in elementary school:

  • Throw a learning ball back and forth and quiz students on the times tables, the ABCs, or days of the week, for example.
  • Bring targeted movement into the classroom with activity cards or the learning game ball "Pello" from TimeTEX, with its 20-30 different movement variations.
  • Set up an obstacle course through the classroom. After each round, students must spell words or write neatly on the board, for example.
  • Active learning in math class: Prepare several learning stations in the classroom and integrate games like our can game or target shooting math game.
  • Divide your class into the four corners of the room, quiz them on vocabulary or give math problems - whoever calls out the correct answer first gets to move to the next corner. The first one to reach their original corner wins.
  • Enhance learning with movement games in social studies or geography with our inflatable globe.
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