Puzzle & Card Games

Puzzle & Card Games

Card games are not only incredibly fun, but they also offer great learning opportunities. Puzzle games for children are ideal for absorbing, reviewing, and testing knowledge. With card games such as guessing games, learning becomes "effortless" through play. In our range, you'll find many educationally valuable puzzle games and card games for children. Perfect for both classroom and home use. Read on…

Card games are not only incredibly fun, but they also offer great learning opportunities. Puzzle games for children are ideal for absorbing, reviewing, and testing knowledge. With card games such... read more »
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Puzzle & Card Games

Card games are not only incredibly fun, but they also offer great learning opportunities. Puzzle games for children are ideal for absorbing, reviewing, and testing knowledge. With card games such as guessing games, learning becomes "effortless" through play. In our range, you'll find many educationally valuable puzzle games and card games for children. Perfect for both classroom and home use. Read on…

"Mobile Learning" Card Game, 60 pcs. in a case "Mobile Learning" Card Game, 60 pcs. in a case
This card game brings movement into the lesson . The 60 cards provide exercises for coordination, relaxation, social skills and rhythm . The children are brought to move in accordance with the card instructions . This loosens up the lesson , the pupils relax and are ready for further tasks . In addition, the exercises are good for coordination, the social atmosphere in the class and the...
  • 60 Cards with movement exercises
  • to loosen up lessons
  • to improve the social atmosphere and concentration

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€8.95 *
Cardboard Computer white, blank Cardboard Computer white, blank
First, the task is set by the learning cards. Then the card is inserted with the question at the top into the slot of the cardboard computer, the solution is not yet recognisable. The cardboard computer turns the card and throws it down the slide with the solution upwards. So the pupil can see if they got the right answer. The card game "Pictures 1" is for practising articles and early reading....
  • with the card turn
  • white unprinted, for self design
  • Card games sold separately


TimeTEX Innovation

Advisory video


€4.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences German Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Familiarising Sentences German
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Inovacija

€19.90 *
Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Calendar Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Calendar
This flap flipchart made of sturdy cardboard can be used to teach and practise dates and the days of the week . Of course, the children can use it to set the current date , for example on calendar duty. Each flap block has 12 cards and is in a different colour. Because of this, the flap flipchart can also be used as a colourful, perpetual calendar (Year specification for the next 10 years). The...
  • 6 flaps in different colours
  • for learning dates and the days of the week
  • also ideal as a desk calendar


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€14.90 *
Lernspiel-Ball "Pello" - Kennenlern-Sätze Deutsch II./SO Lernspiel-Ball "Pello" - Kennenlern-Sätze Deutsch II./SO
Sonderposten : Artikel mit Druckfehler Bei der Anregung "Mein Lieblingsgetränk" fehlt das "r". Das bietet die tolle Möglichkeit, diesen Fehlerteufel ins Spiel mit einzubeziehen: Wer findet den fehlenden Buchstaben? Dafür gibt es Extra-Punkte! Die Lernspiel-Bälle wurden unter dem Motto "spielen, bewegen und lernen" entwickelt. Bewegungsanreize wirken sich sehr positiv auf die körperliche und...
  • entwickelt unter dem Motto "spielen, bewegen und lernen"
  • fördert die Entwicklung der Sozialkompetenz und Motorik
  • hervorragend für Stundenwechsel / Freiarbeit geeignet
  • steigert die Konzentrationsfähigkeit und macht Spaß
  • Sonderposten: Artikel mit Druckfehler
    Bei der Anregung "Mein Lieblingsgetränk" fehlt das "r". Das bietet die tolle Möglichkeit, diesen Fehlerteufel ins Spiel mit einzubeziehen: Wer findet den fehlenden Buchstaben? Dafür gibt es Extra-Punkte!
€19.90 * €9.95 *
Lernspiel "Deutschland das Quiz", 306-tlg. Lernspiel "Deutschland das Quiz", 306-tlg.
Ein Quiz nicht nur für Kinder und Jugendliche, auch Erwachsene werden staunen , was es alles über Deutschland zu wissen gibt. Das Quiz enthält 300 raffinierte Fragen quer durch die Republik, von Sport über Politik, Wissenschaft, Popkultur, Geografie, Alltag und Geschichte, hier ist Allgemeinwissen gefragt. Dieses Quiz bringt uns das Land ein Stück näher. Das Quiz ist wie ein Gesellschaftsspiel...
  • hochwertig gestaltete Box, die auch als Spielfeld dient
  • 300 raffinierte Quizfragen für Groß und Klein
  • das Land besser kennenlernen
  • zum Spielen, Staunen und Lernen
€14.95 *
Kartenspiel "50 Wimmel-Rätsel ohne Worte" Kartenspiel "50 Wimmel-Rätsel ohne Worte"
50 bunt illustrierte Rätselkarten laden zum Knobeln, Rätseln und Tüfteln ein. Und das ganz ohne Worte , so dass bereits Kindergartenkinder und Vorschulkinder ohne Hilfe von Erwachsenen die verschiedenen Aufgaben lösen können. Die Lösung zu den Wimmelbildern, Labyrinthen, Abzählrätsel usw. findet sich auf der Rückseite der jeweiligen Karte. Da kommt keine Langeweile mehr auf, ob auf langen Auto-...
  • 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
  • mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
  • fördert Konzentration und kreatives Denken
  • ohne Worte bereits für Kindergarten und Vorschule geeignet
€8.95 *
Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel" Kartenspiel "50 lustige Zahlenrätsel"
Die 50 bunt illustrierten Karten bringen den Kindern die Welt der Zahlen auf spielerische und unterhaltsame Weise näher. Hier dreht sich alles um Zahlen, Rechnen, Knobeln und Rätseln, da kommt bestimmt keine Langeweile auf. Ob in der Pause auf dem Schulhof, im Wartezimmer, auf langen Bus- und Autofahren bringt das Kartenset Abwechslung und Spaß und fördert ganz nebenbei die Konzentration ,...
  • 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
  • mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
  • fördert Konzentration, logisches Denken und Zahlenverständnis
  • als Geschenk und kleines Mitbringsel für Grundschulkinder
€8.95 *
Set Holz-Mosaik, 117-tlg. Set Holz-Mosaik, 117-tlg.
Das Mosaik-Set fördert Fantasie und Kreativität, aber auch logisches Denken und das Erkennen von Farben und Formen . 20 verschiedene Motive auf 10 Arbeitskarten dienen als Vorlage und zeigen Bilder und Muster aus Quadraten und Dreiecken . Die Kinder können die in 6 Farben erhältlichen Quadrate und Dreiecke entsprechend den Vorlagenmotiven in das Holzgitter legen. Die Feinmotorik wird durch das...
  • Mosaik-Set mit Vorlagen und zur freien Gestaltung
  • 20 Motive auf 10 Arbeitskarten
  • Mosaike aus Dreiecken und Quadraten in 6 Farben
  • zur Förderung der Feinmotorik, logischen Denkens und der Kreativität
€39.90 *
Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg. Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg.
Mit jedem Wurf der bunten Holzwürfel tauchen Kinder in eine Welt voller Gefühle ein, zeichnen sie und tauschen sich über ihre Gefühle aus. 3 Würfel mit Emotionen sowie 3 Würfel mit Figuren, Tieren und Berufen lassen sich spielerisch kombinieren, um damit eine der gewürfelten Aktionen auszuführen: eine Geschichte zu erzählen , ein Bild zu malen oder eine Szene zu spielen . Das „Lernspiel Gefühle...
  • soziale und emotionale Lernaktivität über Emotionen
  • Förderung der geistigen Entwicklung von den Schülern
  • Anregung zur Fantasie und Empathie
€19.90 *
Lernspiel "Primär- und Sekundärfarben", 44-tlg. Lernspiel "Primär- und Sekundärfarben", 44-tlg.
Das ist ein fesselndes Lernspiel, das den Kindern auf unterhaltsame Weise die Welt der Farben erklärt. Durch spielerisches Lernen werden die Grundlagen der Farbtheorie vermittelt , von den primären Farben bis zu den sekundären Farben. Spieler jeden Alters können ihre Konzentration schärfen, ihr Vokabular erweitern und gleichzeitig Spaß haben. Ob sie nun die einzelnen Bilder den Farben zu...
  • kindgerechtes Farbenlernen mit realen Bildern
  • Verbesserung der Konzentration und Sprachförderung
  • Verbesserung der sozialen Kompetenz im Klassenzimmer
  • als Gruppen-, Paar- oder Einzelspiel nutzbar, mit Selbstkontrolle
€27.90 *
Lernspiel "Emotionen und Situationen - Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn…?", 43-tlg. Lernspiel "Emotionen und Situationen - Wie würdest du dich fühlen, wenn…?",...
Mit echten Bildern als Ausgangspunkt ermöglicht dieses Spiel Schülern jeder Altersstufe, ihre Emotionen zu erkennen, zu akzeptieren und zu bestätigen. Die Darstellungen enthalten Szenen, die die Kinder im Alltag tatsächlich erleben und erleben könnten. Das Spiel bietet eine gute Gelegenheit, die Vielfalt der menschlichen Emotionalität zu entdecken. Durch den Einsatz realer Bilder und...
  • emotionale Intelligenz fördern
  • Empathie und soziale Kompetenz untereinander unterstützen
  • Stärkung des logischen Denkens und Training des Vokabulars
€27.90 *
Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse Gefühle", 80 Karten Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse Gefühle", 80 Karten
Diese Bildkarten helfen den Schülern, sich mit Emotionen und den eigenen Gefühlen auseinander zu setzen . Auf 80 verschiedenen Karten aus Karton werden verschiedene Gefühlsregungen wie Freude, Überraschung, Traurigkeit, Wut oder Angst dargestellt, welche die Schüler benennen und zuordnen sollen. So lernen die Kinder auch, sich über ihre eigenen Gefühle klar zu werden und sie zu reflektieren....
  • 80 Bildkarten mit verschiedenen Gefühlsregungen
  • erleichtern die Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Emotionen
  • mit Lehrer-Handreichung
€24.99 *
Class set of cardboard flipcharts, calendar, 24 pcs., in box Class set of cardboard flipcharts, calendar, 24 pcs., in box
The sturdy cardboard calendar flipchart offers an effective accessory for everyday school life. The folding flipchart enables practical learning by giving students the opportunity to set the current date and day of the week every day. Targeted exercises on the date and calendar are also possible. The sturdy cardboard ensures long-lasting use, while the focus is on a fun way to teach time...

Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase

  • Colourful calendar with year details for 10 years
  • Can be folded flat and is quick to set up
  • Learn about and practise dates and days of the week
  • Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box

TimeTEX innovation

Demonstration video

€370.50 * €350.00 *
Educational game "Historical eras compared", 58 pieces. Educational game "Historical eras compared", 58 pieces.
This sorting game is made using high-quality, robust cardboard and helps familiarise children with the history of mankind and developments in different eras. Children can work together or individually to explore history, finding out about the 5 major eras: the Stone Age, Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modernity, and more recent events in contemporary history. Each historical era contains 8 photo...
  • Learn about the most important developments in human history
  • Promotes attention and concentration, vocabulary and fluency
  • Develops the perception of time
  • With extensive information guide for download
€34.90 *
Insect domino, 43 pcs. Insect domino, 43 pcs.
This lovingly designed domino game with 28 large, robust cards lets children learn more about insects. The beautiful close-ups in different perspectives make the game twice as much fun. A small pictogram of the relevant animal is printed on each picture, making it easier to recognise the animal. 15 round star cards serve as counters to determine the winner at the end. The double-sided cards...
  • Can be played as classic or insect dominoes
  • Cards printed on both sides
  • Promotes attention and concentration
€24.90 *
Blanko-Spielkarten im Etui, beidseitig weiß und lackiert II./SO Blanko-Spielkarten im Etui, beidseitig weiß und lackiert II./SO
Sonderposten mit lackierter Oberfläche Hervorragend geeignet, um eigene Kartenspiele oder andere Spielideen umzusetzen bzw. die Karten für andere Einsatzzwecke entsprechend zu beschriften. 60 Karten (5,9 x 9,1 cm) zum Selbstgestalten in Kunststoff-Etui. Aus stabiler Original-Spielkartenpappe, deren Oberfläche lackiert ist. Dadurch können die Karten mit Folienstiften beschriftet werden. Beim...
  • stabile Original-Spielkartenpappe
  • abgerundete Ecken
  • mit lackierter Oberfläche, mit Folienstiften beschreibbar
  • Sonderposten




€2.95 *
Emotion Bean Bag, 10 pcs. In a bag Emotion Bean Bag, 10 pcs. In a bag
With these funny bean bags, children learn to recognise, classify and articulate 10 different emotions . Each sachet has an emotion on it, and they are each a different colour and have a different texture . By talking about emotions, children are introduced to the topics of emotion processing and empathy, two important principles of social-emotional learning . The practical storage bag included...
  • 10 different emotions
  • Each with different colour and feel
  • Playfully recognise and classify feelings
  • With practical storage bag
€44.90 *
Emotion Hourglasses, 4 pieces Emotion Hourglasses, 4 pieces
These liquid hourglasses make feelings very visible and comprehensible for children . Each of the 4 figures shows a different emotional facial expression : happy, angry, frightened or sad. The colour as well as the content of the hourglass are precisely matched to the facial expression. For example, the yellow happy hourglass is filled with golden glitter dust swirling around, like an explosion...
  • See and understand feelings
  • Learn how to deal with emotions
  • Contents of each hourglass matched to facial expression
€37.90 *
Set of emotion figures, assorted colours, 54 pcs. in box Set of emotion figures, assorted colours, 54 pcs. in box
The set contains 36 friendly figures with 6 clearly assignable emotions in 6 different colours. With a lot of fun, children learn to recognise feelings , classify them and articulate them. The figures are also perfect for counting and sorting by colour or shape or emotion. The included Emotions activity cards are printed on both sides, one side shows photos of children in different situations,...
  • Assign 6 emotions
  • Build and strengthen social-emotional skills
  • Also suitable for counting and sorting games


€34.90 *
Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs. Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs.
These charming picture cards show different situations from the life of the elves (humans). Some make for cheerfulness and others for melancholy. All of them are also best suited for simply thinking about it. The illustrations help the children to deal with their own feelings and to process them in little stories. It can also be used to practise and later consolidate free speaking and narration...
  • 26 colourful picture cards "Stories from the Secret Santa's Life"
  • Help to come to terms with one's own feelings
  • Encourage free speech and storytelling

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs. Card Set "The Big Box of Knots", 36 pcs.
This set contains simple, child-friendly step-by-step instructions on cards for 30 practical knot types , which the children can easily follow and will immediately practise eagerly and with lots of fun. The 2 enclosed high-quality paracord cords are perfect for practising knots and even glow at night. So you can get started straight away without any major preparations. Besides the detailed,...
  • 30 large format cards with knot types
  • 4 cards with knot tricks
  • 2 paracord cords with reflective yarn, each 1m long
€14.95 *
Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants" Card Game "Pocket Quiz Junior Smarty Pants"
Which device used to be operated with a dial? And who was Helmut Kohl again? 100 questions about nature, culture, history, technology and sports invite children from 8 years to solve fun puzzles. The "Pocket Quiz Junior" offers exciting content for children and is the perfect way to fill any idle time . Boring free periods? Already finished the group work? Thanks to its interesting topics and...
  • nature, culture, history, technology and sports quiz
  • 50 cards with 100 varied quiz questions
  • for free periods, class trips or a fun activity between learning
€5.95 *
Knowledge Game "Sustainability - for a Better World", 34 pcs. in box Knowledge Game "Sustainability - for a Better World", 34 pcs. in box
This association game invites us to make small changes in our everyday lives to raise awareness of the need to create a more sustainable world through our actions. With large, real pictures and a "laughing" or "crying" planet on the back to symbolize sustainable and less sustainable behaviour. Children should relate the two behaviours and understand what makes each different, why one behaviour...
  • promotes understanding of conservation for our livelihoods
  • promotes sustainable behaviour and environmental awareness
  • also suitable for individual work, children can check their own answers
€27.90 *
Set "Waste Recycling", 38 pcs. Set "Waste Recycling", 38 pcs.
How do I separate my recycling waste properly? If children learn this from an early age, they will find it easy later on. This set includes three large waste container boards for paper (blue), plastic (yellow), and glass (green), and a set of domestic waste cards . These cards are assigned by the children to the containers, whether it's a glass or plastic bottle, plastic bag, newspaper,...
  • learn to separate waste correctly
  • can be used alone or in a group
  • promotes logical argument and environmental awareness


€59.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" English TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" English
Various shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle) are matched up and counted. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Assign and count shapes. Note and check solutions. Identify, complete and draw shapes. Assign...
  • numerous exercises on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Europe TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Europe
Learn countries in Europe, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the European continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Asia TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Asia
Learn countries on the Asian continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the Asian continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Africa TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English Africa
Learn countries on the African continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the African continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English America TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" English America
Learn countries on the American continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Fun, educational exercises for the American continent in English After a short time, the thermal strip conceals...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours"
Different animals and objects are colourfully assigned and counted. The total is noted using scores. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. This teaches how to allocate and name colours, numbers and quantities as well as count scores and draw...
  • 5 exercises in total on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes" TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Shapes"
Various shapes (square, triangle, circle, rectangle) are matched up and counted. The total is then calculated. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. This teaches allocating and counting shapes and noting and checking solutions. The children...
  • numerous exercises on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Europe TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Europe
Learn countries in Europe, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the European continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again. arrange...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Asia TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" Asia
Learn countries on the Asian continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the Asian continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution again....
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" English TimeTEX Magic Board "World of Colours" English
Different animals and objects are colourfully assigned and counted. The total is noted using scores. This is written in the space provided using the wipeable marker pen. The children can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Assign colours, numbers and quantities. Name colours, count scores and draw the relevant numbers. Ages 4...
  • 5 exercises in total on the front and back
  • double-sided, can be used on both sides
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" America TimeTEX Magic Board "Flag Magic" America
Learn countries on the American continent, assign capital cities and identify currencies. First, they note the result with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can then check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. This makes the answer appear. Educational exercises for the American continent After a short time, the thermal strip conceals the solution...
  • arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
  • both sides can be written on
  • wipeable, made of plastic, reusable

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video

€4.95 * €2.95 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes creativity in a fun way
  • creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Set of "Environment" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case Set of "Environment" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case
The wonderful contents of this practical cardboard case are a fun way to teach children about appropriate behaviour relating to the natural world and the environment . The set contains 34 cards made from sturdy cardboard with colour illustrations depicting right and wrong behaviours . The cards all come in pairs, with one card showing the correct behaviour and a corresponding card showing the...
  • teaches appropriate behaviour
  • develops language skills
  • fun to use
€22.90 *
"Recycling Processes" Picture Sequences in the box "Recycling Processes" Picture Sequences in the box
The contents of this practical cardboard box can teach children the meaning of waste separation, waste recycling and how this is done. The box contains 20 cards made of firm cardboard , depicting the recycling cycle of cans, organic waste, glass, cardboard and plastic. Sets of 4 cards produce a picture sequence and can be sorted out by the children. They can also tell if cards belong together...
  • learn about recycling cycles and compare them
  • develops language skills
  • fun to use
€24.90 *
Blank Playing Cards in a case, plain on both sides Blank Playing Cards in a case, plain on both sides
Excellent for creating your own card games or other game ideas or labelling the cards accordingly for other purposes. 60 Cards (5.9 x 9.1 cm) to design yourself in plastic case. Made of sturdy original playing cardboard with a completely untreated surface and is therefore very good to inscribe or paint. Rounded corners, both sides blank / white. can be labelled and painted well stable original...
  • can be labelled and painted well
  • stable original playing card board
  • rounded corners


Advisory video


€3.95 *
Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Time with analogue clock Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Time with analogue clock
With this folding flipchart made from sturdy cardboard , pupils learn the time and practice it in the 12 or 24-hour format. On the one hand, the flipchart is suitable for reading the time correctly , but it can also be used to perform arithmetic tasks with times . There are all sorts of possible uses and it is ideal for learning and comparing times in analogue and digital formats. The hour...
  • 1 clock with analogue display
  • 4 flaps for hours and minutes
  • also suitable for calculating with times
From €4.95 *
Set of "School" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case Set of "School" Behaviour Rules consisting of paired cards in a case
The wonderful contents of this practical cardboard case are a fun way to teach children about appropriate behaviour relating to getting on together in school and road safety education . The set contains 34 cards made from sturdy cardboard with colour illustrations depicting right and wrong behaviours . The cards all come in pairs, with one card showing the correct behaviour and a corresponding...
  • teaches appropriate behaviour
  • develops language skills
  • fun to use


€19.90 *
Poster Set "Bullying – No Thanks!“ 6 pcs. Poster Set "Bullying – No Thanks!“ 6 pcs.
These striking anti-bullying posters made from laminated card make students aware of different kinds of bullying and help them understand how to deal with this topical issue in schools. The six colourful anti-bullying posters depict different situations of physical, psychological and social exclusion or violence. Based on these posters, children become aware of the most frequent bullying...
  • 6 colourful anti-bullying posters
  • identify different kinds of bullying
  • recognising different bullying situations
  • can be hung up using the metal eyelet


€49.90 *
Leisure Activity Cards in a box Leisure Activity Cards in a box
Children can use these activity cards to analyse their leisure and recreational activities and discover how activity and leisure can be successfully combined . A conscious effort has been made to pay attention to the use of new technologies here. Of the total of 50 cards made from high-quality, thick cardboard, 8 cards show different colourful symbols that represent the following categories:...
  • to analyse leisure and recreational activities
  • with special attention to the use of new technologies
  • cards made from very high-quality, sturdy cardboard


€24.90 * €17.90 *
Set of Emotion Stamps XL 10 pcs., in box Set of Emotion Stamps XL 10 pcs., in box
These wooden teacher's stamps help children deal with their emotions and recognise and evaluate their feelings . The smiley stamp set contains 10 large stamps with 10 basic emotions, such as happy, confident, amazed, curious, surprised, angry, disgusted, sad, scared and guilty. These 10 fantastic wooden stamps can be used for praise or for playing, designing and learning . The stamps are...
  • 10 large wooden stamps, easy to handle
  • with different basic emotions (various faces)
  • motif size: approx. 3.5 cm diameter


€24.90 *
Memory Game "Touch Pairs", 13 pcs. Memory Game "Touch Pairs", 13 pcs.
Which tactile counter belongs in which hole? Find the 12 correct pairs. Each one has a different textured surface. This game is particularly good for training fine motor skills and can be used for touch exercises. It is made from hardwood and is particularly suitable for younger children. Promotes: motor skills, an understanding of the environment, confidence and self-awareness Also suitable...
  • 12 tactile pairs to be found
  • a great exercise for fine motor skills
  • different textured surfaces


€24.90 *
Card Game "Insekten & Spinnen, entdecken & bestimmen" ("Insects & Spiders, Discover & Identify") Card Game "Insekten & Spinnen, entdecken & bestimmen" ("Insects & Spiders,...
50 native insects & spiders These informative cards convey clear and useful information about native spiders and insects. This makes it incredibly easy to identify our six and eight-legged friends. These wonderfully illustrated cards show in detail the characteristics of these animals and include exciting quiz questions and interesting facts to help us learn about our fascinating environment....
  • easily identify 50 native insects and spiders
  • information cards with exciting quiz questions
  • useful knowledge about our native nature
€9.95 *
Card Game "Discover & Identify 50 Native Trees" Card Game "Discover & Identify 50 Native Trees"
Black poplar, large-leaved lime, horse chestnut or weeping willow – identifying native tree species is easy with this set of cards. The ideal companion for any nature lover! This set of cards uses exciting quiz questions, wonderful illustrations and detailed profiles to convey wide-ranging information about our native deciduous and coniferous trees. Use your newly obtained knowledge on a hike...
  • identify native deciduous and coniferous trees
  • the ideal companion for any nature lover
  • incl. exciting quiz questions, illustrations and detailed profiles


€9.95 *
Card Game "Discover & Identify 50 Native Butterflies" Card Game "Discover & Identify 50 Native Butterflies"
Experience nature up close and investigate native butterfly species! This card set is great fun for all children. The diversity of our native butterflies is often underestimated. Children and adults rarely know more than a handful of butterfly species. With this lovingly illustrated card set, you can change that! It contains 50 cards, each dedicated to one species of butterfly and providing...
  • a fun way to learn about butterflies
  • information cards with exciting quiz questions
  • contains a concertina booklet with interesting information
€9.95 *
TimeTEX Emotion Dice Set "6 Faces", 5 pcs. TimeTEX Emotion Dice Set "6 Faces", 5 pcs.
This exciting dice set contains 5 dice with small faces that show different emotions. They help pupils to recognise feelings correctly , to make themselves aware of them and their own feelings and to articulate emotions . They can be used for all ages, from pantomime games to foreign language lessons. The dice are provided with 6 different faces with clearly recognisable emotions , e.g. joy,...
  • dice with 6 different faces
  • easily allocatable emotions
  • they help pupils to recognise feelings correctly, to make themselves aware of them and to articulate them.

TimeTEX Innovation

€3.95 *
Emotion Mirror with Facial Expression Template, 4 pcs. Emotion Mirror with Facial Expression Template, 4 pcs.
This set consisting of 4 mirrors helps children familiarise themselves with their own feelings. It forms a basis for understanding their feelings . 6 panes of glass are integrated behind the mirror featuring children's faces with different emotions. These panes can be swung out using the coloured handle. This lets the child compare their own facial expression with that in the picture to...
  • mirror with integrated facial expression panes
  • for comparing and recognising feelings
  • forming a basic understanding of handling feelings


€59.90 *
Time-Based Maths Game, 96 pcs. Time-Based Maths Game, 96 pcs.
The aim of this game is to practice and consolidate in a fun way. Learning the time is made fun rather than a chore. The combination of blue action cards, red question cards and green joker cards guarantees excitement while playing and promotes enthusiasm for learning about time. The fun competition encourages motivation and willingness to learn and consolidates what has already been learned....
  • practice and consolidate the topic of time
  • encourages motivation and willingness to learn
  • for 2-4 children
€19.90 *
Picture Box "Before, After and During" Picture Box "Before, After and During"
24 coloured picture sequences show how and where things or people have changed in 3 pictures. The same yet different: at first the apple is whole, then it is cut in half. At first the sheet is blank, then a colourful child's picture can be seen. Children should find out what happened in between and which tool, appliance or machine was required. The child-friendly, appealing pictures encourate...
  • 24 picture sequences with 3 individual pictures each
  • find out how the "before" turns into the "after"
  • for inspection, comparison and storytelling


€26.00 *
Feelings and Emotions Picture Box "Sentimage" Feelings and Emotions Picture Box "Sentimage"
Short training exercises show daily events that trigger feelings when experienced. Glowing after a victory, sadness after an escaped canary bird, astonishment and nerves while watching a circus trapeze artist, disgust when biting into a maggot-infested apple, joy about a visit to the hospital, jealousy towards a jackpot winner, etc. The emotions are presented in a striking and easily...
  • understanding your own feelings and those of others
  • recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
  • 32 picture stories from the everyday lives of children


€37.00 *
Strategy Box "Recognise and Identify Emotions", 35 pcs. Strategy Box "Recognise and Identify Emotions", 35 pcs.
These cards help pupils deal with emotions . They contain images of 10 different emotions which they can recognise, identify and understand. Each emotion exists in 3 different levels so that children can become familiar with different degrees of emotion. They organise the cards based on their intensity with the help of symbol cards . Symbols on the back of the emotion cards show the...
  • 10 different emotions in 3 different levels
  • playfully recognise and identify emotions
  • for developing awareness of emotions


€27.90 *
"Learn to Recycle" Set, 43 pieces in a case "Learn to Recycle" Set, 43 pieces in a case
This set teaches children about recycling in a fun way. Various different images of waste is shown on 35 picture cards, which the children have to sort and organise . They learn to recognise various types of waste : organic waste, plastic, bottles, cans, paper, cardboard packaging, glass, batteries, etc. These must then be correctly placed in the 5 plastic waste bins . The waste bins are...
  • separate and organise different waste
  • for an illustration on waste recycling
  • in a handy cardboard case


€32.90 *
Strategy Box "Bullying - No Thanks!", 20 pcs. Strategy Box "Bullying - No Thanks!", 20 pcs.
This set helps to prevent bullying before it starts. The image cards show 5 different situations from everyday school life in which children are starting to bully another child. The cards also show pupils solutions on how to resolve the problem as it arises. The situations and actions on the image cards can be discussed. This gives children the tools on how to behave if they or others...
  • 20 image cards for visualisation
  • 5 common case studies at school
  • learn to prevent bullying before it happens


€22.90 *
Globe Ball "Mega", english labelling, approx. 85 cm ø Globe Ball "Mega", english labelling, approx. 85 cm ø
This inflatable plastic globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons . Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. The globe is written in English and includes a whole host of additional information as well as the countries, cities and seas. - coloured representation...
  • inflatable globe with English text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • with lots of information such as flags, mountains, deserts etc.



€59.90 *
Picture Box "E-MOTION 2" Picture Box "E-MOTION 2"
Joy, anger, curiosity, sorrow: why is the child making that face? Powerful emotions are part of everyday life for children. Feelings have triggers and understanding these is an important foundation for being able to comprehend how other people think and behave . The children can use the image materials supplied to recognise and understand the causes of fifteen different emotions. The cards...
  • understanding your own feelings and those of others
  • recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
  • image cards for up to 15 different feelings


€26.00 *
Globe Ball XXL, german labelling, approx. 50 cm ø Globe Ball XXL, german labelling, approx. 50 cm ø
This inflatable plastic globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons . Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. The countries and seas are indicated in German and major cities are marked. National borders are shown as well as time zones, latitude and longitude. If...
  • inflatable globe with German text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • can be written on with markers


€19.90 *
Time Dominoes, XL 24 hrs, 60 pcs. Time Dominoes, XL 24 hrs, 60 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children learn to tell the time through play and to reinforce their knowledge. The domino pieces made from extra strong card, each show an analogue and a digital time . By connecting the analogue and digital times, children learn to link the two time displays. As with our other learning clocks, the minute hand is in blue, the hour hand in red. Since the...
  • learn to tell the time and reinforce knowledge through play
  • connect the analogue and digital time displays
  • also suitable for foreign language classes


€14.90 *
Flap Flipchart, blank, made of plastic Flap Flipchart, blank, made of plastic
This plastic flap flipchart has 4 blank flaps , each with 10 cards that even have a tab cut. These can be individually labelled and designed . You can create your own educational games or use the flipchart for presentations. The lower end of the cards is designed as a tab to facilitate access to the correct card in the stack. Dimensions : approx. 24 x 11 x 8 cm can be written on repeatedly for...
  • can be written on repeatedly
  • for individual teaching materials
  • tab cut enables quick access


TimeTEX Innovation

€14.90 *
Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Time Cardboard Flap Flipchart, Time
With this flap flipchart made of sturdy cardboard , pupils learn the time and practice it in the 12 or 24-hour format. On the one hand, the flipchart is suitable for reading the time correctly , but it can also be used to perform arithmetic tasks with times . The range of uses is very wide. Each flap is a different colour, making the flipchart a colourful tool. The flipchart can not only be set...
  • 6 flaps in different colours
  • for learning the time
  • also suitable for calculating with times


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€14.90 * €4.95 *
"Magic" Hand Mirror Set, 6 pcs., with handles "Magic" Hand Mirror Set, 6 pcs., with handles
This set contains 6 double mirrors with soft handles which make it easier for smaller children to hold. The mirrors are not made of glass, but of mirror film , so they cannot break. One side contains a normal, straight mirror, the other contains an outwardly curved , convex mirror, which deforms the reflected object in a funny way. So the mirror can be used for games and funny effects on the...
  • 6 double mirrors made of mirror film, with double handles
  • each one has a normal and a curved mirror, which reflects a convex image
  • Discover and try out faces and emotions


€44.90 *
Globe Ball, German Labelling, approx. 30 cm ø Globe Ball, German Labelling, approx. 30 cm ø
This inflatable globe can be used for geography as well as games or sports lessons. Its size makes it suitable for showing the pupils the location of the continents and countries, or, pupils can find them themselves in a game scenario. Each country has a shining colour to make the national borders good visible. Can be written on with markers. Since it is inflatable and thus soft, it is also...
  • inflatable globe with German text
  • ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
  • can be written on with markers


€11.90 *
Time Dominoes, 24 hrs, 36 pcs. Time Dominoes, 24 hrs, 36 pcs.
This domino game is perfect for helping children to learn the times with ease . In order to make it easier for pupils to recognise the time, the hours are shown in red and the minutes in blue, according to the hands of the clock. The cardboard dominoes each show one analogue and one digital clock , with one side displaying the time in the 12-hour format, the other in the 24-hour format. The...
  • supports pupils in learning and practising clock times
  • analogue and digital time displayed
  • different levels of difficulty possible


€17.90 *
Brain Teaser of the Week 3/4 in portfolio folder A4 Brain Teaser of the Week 3/4 in portfolio folder A4
Material for weekly brain teasers about perception, arithmetic, geometry, logic or calculations to solve Contents: portfolio folder with 160 pages A4, of which 70 master copies (a task is often printed on one side of A4, which saves copying costs) and 70 solution and advice sheets. for 3rd school year, 4th school year, older pupils (SEK 1) 70 copy templates 70 solution and hint pages Support...
  • for 3rd school year, 4th school year, older pupils (SEK 1)
  • 70 copy templates
  • 70 solution and hint pages


€29.80 *
Compensation File A6, 85 pcs. Compensation File A6, 85 pcs.
They don't just learn together at school, they also spend their lives together. There will always be some conflict. When Jonas calls Sofie "Stupid cow", he might be persuaded to apologise and reconcile with Sofie, but real insight is often lacking. In addition to the challenge of resolving the actual dispute, it is important to encourage children to interact responsibly with one another. This...
  • for responsible and peaceful interaction with each other
  • concrete proposals for responsibility of one's own actions
  • divided into 3 different areas


€22.99 *
Brain Teaser of the Week 1/2 in portfolio folder A4 Brain Teaser of the Week 1/2 in portfolio folder A4
Material for weekly brain teasers about perception, arithmetic, geometry, logic or calculations to solve Contents: portfolio folder with 160 pages A4, of which 70 master copies (a task is often printed on one side of A4, which saves copying costs) and 70 solution and advice sheets. for preschool, kindergarten, 1st school year, 2nd school year 70 copy templates 70 solution and hint pages Support...
  • for preschool, kindergarten, 1st school year, 2nd school year
  • 70 copy templates
  • 70 solution and hint pages


€29.80 *
Set Jungle Animals, Assorted Colours, 72 pieces, in a Tin Set Jungle Animals, Assorted Colours, 72 pieces, in a Tin
These modern shapes are made of non-slip, soft plastic. The colourful animals in 6 colours and shapes motivate pupils to count, calculate and sort. This is how to structure today's maths classes in a vivid and playful way. 72 Animals in 6 models, i.e. monkey, elephant, hippo, giraffe, crocodile and lion, packed in a transparent storage box with carrying handle. The figures come in the colours...
  • 72 jungle animals in 6 colours and shapes
  • for counting and sorting
  • made of non-slip, soft plastic

Demonstration video

From €27.90 *
TimeTEX Magic Board "We Learn the Time" TimeTEX Magic Board "We Learn the Time"
With these magic board, pupils are taught curriculum-oriented learning content in a playful manner. First, the pupils note the time displayed with an erasable marker in the space provided. The pupils can check their work by lightly rubbing the adjacent black thermal strip. The correct answer will appear. After a short time, the thermal strip covers the solution again. double-sided reusable...
  • learning with immediate self-checking: write - rub - check
  • double-sided
  • reusable
  • erasable; made of plastic

TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€4.95 *
Task Cards for Family Figures, 22 parts Task Cards for Family Figures, 22 parts
These cards make a great addition to our family figures and support work with them. The cards help develop mathematical skills and social contexts , and involve all the figures from the set. The cards offer tasks on the following mathematical topics: patterns and order sorting and grouping addition, subtraction and multiplication comparing sizes and ascertaining positions 21 double-sided task...
  • sort and group
  • addition, subtraction and multiplication
  • comparing sizes and ascertaining positions


Demonstration video


€19.90 *
Set of Family Figures in Assorted Colours, 24 pieces Set of Family Figures in Assorted Colours, 24 pieces
These versatile figures made of easy-to-grip plastic can be used to teach social contexts as well as mathematics. Children can use these 24 figures, which have a pleasant feel and come in 4 colours and 5 sizes, to describe their family and their position in the family. The set contains the following figures: father, mother, brother, sister, baby and pet. In addition, the set can be used for...
  • 24 figures in 4 colours and 5 sizes
  • for counting, arithmetic and sorting
  • for teaching social relationships

Demonstration video

€14.90 *
Set Plastic Card Holder, 4 pcs. Set Plastic Card Holder, 4 pcs.
With these plastic card holders, children can easily and clearly hold even larger quantities of playing cards or place them free-standing in front of them . Task or station cards can also be placed free-standing and clearly visible, with the holders also being well-suited for group work . The card holders are also a great help when motor weaknesses or physical disabilities are involved, for...

4 pcs. Plastic card holder in a triangle shape. An easier way to hold playing cards or station cards.

€8.95 * €3.95 *
Set of Family Shapes, Sorted by Colour, 72 pieces, in a Tin Set of Family Shapes, Sorted by Colour, 72 pieces, in a Tin
These versatile figures made of non-slip plastic can be used for learning social contexts as well as for teaching mathematics. With these 72 figures with a pleasant feel in 6 colours and 5 sizes, children can, for example, describe their family and their position in the family. For this reason, the set contains the figures: father, mother, brother, sister, baby and pet. The set can also be used...
  • 72 shapes in 6 colours and 5 sizes
  • for counting, calculating and sorting
  • for learning social contexts

Demonstration video

From €29.90 *
TimeTEX Globe Ball "Maxi" neutral TimeTEX Globe Ball "Maxi" neutral
The globe ball is inflatable can easily be carried along. Labelling with wipe-clean marker pens makes it useful for lessons and can also be used for learning while playing. The continents are kept neutral, i.e. they can be labelled (corrected) with a wipe-clean marker pen by entering the continents, countries or even their capitals and if necessary positioning them. Size: diameter approx. 68.5...
  • inflatable globe without labelling
  • neutral continents
  • can be written on with markers


€27.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
TimeTEX Mounted Calendar for the Voice, A6 TimeTEX Mounted Calendar for the Voice, A6
The voice is a valuable, if not the most valuable means of communication for teachers, because ""without"" it, nothing works . It is therefore very important for any educator to preserve it. Because the voice is always being used and just has to work. There is space on every desk for the mounted calendar, which contributes 365 valuable , healthy and humorous tips that are accompanied by funny...
  • 365 valuable and healthy tips from pros
  • to preserve / look after your voice
  • "everlasting calendar" = can be used every year
€19.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Time and Weekdays
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Card Game for Cardboard Computers, Time Card Game for Cardboard Computers, Time
First, the task is set by the learning cards. Then the card is inserted with the question at the top into the slot of the cardboard computer, the solution is not yet recognisable. The cardboard computer turns the card and throws it down the slide with the solution upwards. The pupil can see if they got the right answer. The cards are also very good for partner or group work. The stack of cards...
  • front with text, back with corresponding picture
  • for the cardboard computer
  • 100 cards


TimeTEX Innovation

Demonstration video


€6.95 *


Card Games - Making Learning Fun

Card games for children are simply fantastic: they are easy to learn, visually appealing with their colorful images, and their compact format allows them to be carried everywhere.

Card games are among the oldest board games ever. Over the centuries, many different types of playing cards have developed in different countries and cultures. Card games for children differ in number, shape, motifs, and material. Classics include games like Bridge, Crazy Eights, or Skat. These are played with the classic card decks. Card game rules often vary, just like the objectives of the game.

Our educational games often come in the form of card games combined with puzzle games or quiz games. Pedagogically valuable puzzle games for children are a great way to liven up the lesson, for example, with various group tasks. Card games for children are also a great way to pass the time and test their knowledge at home. Like all board games, card games for children or quiz games guarantee fun for young and old alike!

Quiz Games for Children - What Sets Them Apart?

Quiz games for children are usually designed to make children curious and either test previously learned knowledge or teach them something new. Through the structure of quiz and puzzle games, this is easily achieved during a fun game afternoon. Quiz games are often structured similar to a quiz. Discover lots of fun while puzzling and quizzing with puzzle games!

Almost all children enjoy solving puzzles, so quiz games are also ideal for playing together in class or in small groups. Quiz games and puzzle games for children stimulate the brain and challenge the children's knowledge. Quiz games are suitable for students of almost all ages and can therefore be used across all grade levels. Puzzle games are also a great activity for the whole family at home, for example, with mom and dad or grandma and grandpa.

Puzzle Games in the Classroom

Quiz games bring out the little explorers in students. Puzzle games for children provide new incentives and impulses in various subject areas. With quiz games, new knowledge is acquired with a lot of fun, for example, about geography, biology, or even mathematics. Especially in science lessons, card games are therefore a great way to acquire, test, and deepen knowledge.

Quiz games are well suited for everyday school life because they can also be played with multiple players or even "teams". Teachers can simply divide the class into small groups, and the fun with quiz games for children begins. Card games are also easy to transport in a teacher's bag because their practical format takes up hardly any space. The cards are also securely packed in a box and are therefore protected from creases and dirt during transport.

Advantages of Card Games

Card games in the form of quiz and puzzle games have many advantages:

  • Easy Transport & Storage: The cards can be securely transported in a box, their practical format takes up little space, and they can therefore be easily taken anywhere. In addition, the cards weigh very little.
  • With quiz games as quizzes, new knowledge can be acquired and existing knowledge can be tested and deepened. Since this learning and repetition process takes place during a game, it is particularly effective and fun.
  • Puzzle games provide variety to other learning methods and can liven up the lesson while still being pedagogically valuable.
  • Card games are very versatile. They can be played at home with the family or at school with classmates. You can play as an individual or join teams.

Discover card games, quiz games, and puzzle games at TimeTEX now. Here you will find many creative and pedagogically valuable teaching materials like educational games. Order card games for children at affordable prices online now.

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