- 60 Cards with movement exercises
- to loosen up lessons
- to improve the social atmosphere and concentration
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- with the card turn
- white unprinted, for self design
- Card games sold separately
TimeTEX Innovation
Advisory video
- The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
- promotes the development of social and motor skills
- suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
- improves power of concentration and is fun
TimeTEX Inovacija
- 6 flaps in different colours
- for learning dates and the days of the week
- also ideal as a desk calendar
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- entwickelt unter dem Motto "spielen, bewegen und lernen"
- fördert die Entwicklung der Sozialkompetenz und Motorik
- hervorragend für Stundenwechsel / Freiarbeit geeignet
- steigert die Konzentrationsfähigkeit und macht Spaß
- Sonderposten: Artikel mit Druckfehler
Bei der Anregung "Mein Lieblingsgetränk" fehlt das "r". Das bietet die tolle Möglichkeit, diesen Fehlerteufel ins Spiel mit einzubeziehen: Wer findet den fehlenden Buchstaben? Dafür gibt es Extra-Punkte!
- hochwertig gestaltete Box, die auch als Spielfeld dient
- 300 raffinierte Quizfragen für Groß und Klein
- das Land besser kennenlernen
- zum Spielen, Staunen und Lernen
- 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
- mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
- fördert Konzentration und kreatives Denken
- ohne Worte bereits für Kindergarten und Vorschule geeignet
- 50 bunt illustrierte Karten mit verschiedensten Aufgabenstellungen
- mit Auflösung der Rätsel auf der Rückseite der Karten
- fördert Konzentration, logisches Denken und Zahlenverständnis
- als Geschenk und kleines Mitbringsel für Grundschulkinder
- Mosaik-Set mit Vorlagen und zur freien Gestaltung
- 20 Motive auf 10 Arbeitskarten
- Mosaike aus Dreiecken und Quadraten in 6 Farben
- zur Förderung der Feinmotorik, logischen Denkens und der Kreativität
- soziale und emotionale Lernaktivität über Emotionen
- Förderung der geistigen Entwicklung von den Schülern
- Anregung zur Fantasie und Empathie
- kindgerechtes Farbenlernen mit realen Bildern
- Verbesserung der Konzentration und Sprachförderung
- Verbesserung der sozialen Kompetenz im Klassenzimmer
- als Gruppen-, Paar- oder Einzelspiel nutzbar, mit Selbstkontrolle
- emotionale Intelligenz fördern
- Empathie und soziale Kompetenz untereinander unterstützen
- Stärkung des logischen Denkens und Training des Vokabulars
- 80 Bildkarten mit verschiedenen Gefühlsregungen
- erleichtern die Auseinandersetzung mit den eigenen Emotionen
- mit Lehrer-Handreichung
Get your set now and save money!
Price advantage = savings compared to individual purchase
- Colourful calendar with year details for 10 years
- Can be folded flat and is quick to set up
- Learn about and practise dates and days of the week
- Class set with 24 flipcharts in a practical plastic box
TimeTEX innovation
Demonstration video
- Learn about the most important developments in human history
- Promotes attention and concentration, vocabulary and fluency
- Develops the perception of time
- With extensive information guide for download
- Can be played as classic or insect dominoes
- Cards printed on both sides
- Promotes attention and concentration
- stabile Original-Spielkartenpappe
- abgerundete Ecken
- mit lackierter Oberfläche, mit Folienstiften beschreibbar
- Sonderposten
- 10 different emotions
- Each with different colour and feel
- Playfully recognise and classify feelings
- With practical storage bag
- See and understand feelings
- Learn how to deal with emotions
- Contents of each hourglass matched to facial expression
- Assign 6 emotions
- Build and strengthen social-emotional skills
- Also suitable for counting and sorting games
- 26 colourful picture cards "Stories from the Secret Santa's Life"
- Help to come to terms with one's own feelings
- Encourage free speech and storytelling
TimeTEX Innovation
- 30 large format cards with knot types
- 4 cards with knot tricks
- 2 paracord cords with reflective yarn, each 1m long
- nature, culture, history, technology and sports quiz
- 50 cards with 100 varied quiz questions
- for free periods, class trips or a fun activity between learning
- promotes understanding of conservation for our livelihoods
- promotes sustainable behaviour and environmental awareness
- also suitable for individual work, children can check their own answers
- learn to separate waste correctly
- can be used alone or in a group
- promotes logical argument and environmental awareness
- numerous exercises on the front and back
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- 5 exercises in total on the front and back
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- numerous exercises on the front and back
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- 5 exercises in total on the front and back
- double-sided, can be used on both sides
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- arrange countries, capital cities and currencies
- both sides can be written on
- wipeable, made of plastic, reusable
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- ideal for indoor and outdoor use
- promotes creativity in a fun way
- creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills
TimeTEX Innovation
- teaches appropriate behaviour
- develops language skills
- fun to use
- learn about recycling cycles and compare them
- develops language skills
- fun to use
- can be labelled and painted well
- stable original playing card board
- rounded corners
Advisory video
- 1 clock with analogue display
- 4 flaps for hours and minutes
- also suitable for calculating with times
- teaches appropriate behaviour
- develops language skills
- fun to use
- 6 colourful anti-bullying posters
- identify different kinds of bullying
- recognising different bullying situations
- can be hung up using the metal eyelet
- to analyse leisure and recreational activities
- with special attention to the use of new technologies
- cards made from very high-quality, sturdy cardboard
- 10 large wooden stamps, easy to handle
- with different basic emotions (various faces)
- motif size: approx. 3.5 cm diameter
- 12 tactile pairs to be found
- a great exercise for fine motor skills
- different textured surfaces
- easily identify 50 native insects and spiders
- information cards with exciting quiz questions
- useful knowledge about our native nature
- identify native deciduous and coniferous trees
- the ideal companion for any nature lover
- incl. exciting quiz questions, illustrations and detailed profiles
- a fun way to learn about butterflies
- information cards with exciting quiz questions
- contains a concertina booklet with interesting information
- dice with 6 different faces
- easily allocatable emotions
- they help pupils to recognise feelings correctly, to make themselves aware of them and to articulate them.
TimeTEX Innovation
- mirror with integrated facial expression panes
- for comparing and recognising feelings
- forming a basic understanding of handling feelings
- practice and consolidate the topic of time
- encourages motivation and willingness to learn
- for 2-4 children
- 24 picture sequences with 3 individual pictures each
- find out how the "before" turns into the "after"
- for inspection, comparison and storytelling
- understanding your own feelings and those of others
- recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
- 32 picture stories from the everyday lives of children
- 10 different emotions in 3 different levels
- playfully recognise and identify emotions
- for developing awareness of emotions
- separate and organise different waste
- for an illustration on waste recycling
- in a handy cardboard case
- 20 image cards for visualisation
- 5 common case studies at school
- learn to prevent bullying before it happens
- inflatable globe with English text
- ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
- with lots of information such as flags, mountains, deserts etc.
- understanding your own feelings and those of others
- recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
- image cards for up to 15 different feelings
- inflatable globe with German text
- ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
- can be written on with markers
- learn to tell the time and reinforce knowledge through play
- connect the analogue and digital time displays
- also suitable for foreign language classes
- can be written on repeatedly
- for individual teaching materials
- tab cut enables quick access
TimeTEX Innovation
- 6 flaps in different colours
- for learning the time
- also suitable for calculating with times
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- 6 double mirrors made of mirror film, with double handles
- each one has a normal and a curved mirror, which reflects a convex image
- Discover and try out faces and emotions
- inflatable globe with German text
- ideal for Geography lessons thanks to its size
- can be written on with markers
- supports pupils in learning and practising clock times
- analogue and digital time displayed
- different levels of difficulty possible
- for 3rd school year, 4th school year, older pupils (SEK 1)
- 70 copy templates
- 70 solution and hint pages
- for responsible and peaceful interaction with each other
- concrete proposals for responsibility of one's own actions
- divided into 3 different areas
- for preschool, kindergarten, 1st school year, 2nd school year
- 70 copy templates
- 70 solution and hint pages
- 72 jungle animals in 6 colours and shapes
- for counting and sorting
- made of non-slip, soft plastic
Demonstration video
- learning with immediate self-checking: write - rub - check
- double-sided
- reusable
- erasable; made of plastic
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- sort and group
- addition, subtraction and multiplication
- comparing sizes and ascertaining positions
Demonstration video
- 24 figures in 4 colours and 5 sizes
- for counting, arithmetic and sorting
- for teaching social relationships
Demonstration video
4 pcs. Plastic card holder in a triangle shape. An easier way to hold playing cards or station cards.
- 72 shapes in 6 colours and 5 sizes
- for counting, calculating and sorting
- for learning social contexts
Demonstration video
- inflatable globe without labelling
- neutral continents
- can be written on with markers
- The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
- promotes the development of social and motor skills
- suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
- improves power of concentration and is fun
TimeTEX Innovation
- 365 valuable and healthy tips from pros
- to preserve / look after your voice
- "everlasting calendar" = can be used every year
- The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
- promotes the development of social and motor skills
- suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
- improves power of concentration and is fun
TimeTEX Innovation
- front with text, back with corresponding picture
- for the cardboard computer
- 100 cards
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
Card Games - Making Learning Fun
Card games for children are simply fantastic: they are easy to learn, visually appealing with their colorful images, and their compact format allows them to be carried everywhere.
Card games are among the oldest board games ever. Over the centuries, many different types of playing cards have developed in different countries and cultures. Card games for children differ in number, shape, motifs, and material. Classics include games like Bridge, Crazy Eights, or Skat. These are played with the classic card decks. Card game rules often vary, just like the objectives of the game.
Our educational games often come in the form of card games combined with puzzle games or quiz games. Pedagogically valuable puzzle games for children are a great way to liven up the lesson, for example, with various group tasks. Card games for children are also a great way to pass the time and test their knowledge at home. Like all board games, card games for children or quiz games guarantee fun for young and old alike!
Quiz Games for Children - What Sets Them Apart?
Quiz games for children are usually designed to make children curious and either test previously learned knowledge or teach them something new. Through the structure of quiz and puzzle games, this is easily achieved during a fun game afternoon. Quiz games are often structured similar to a quiz. Discover lots of fun while puzzling and quizzing with puzzle games!
Almost all children enjoy solving puzzles, so quiz games are also ideal for playing together in class or in small groups. Quiz games and puzzle games for children stimulate the brain and challenge the children's knowledge. Quiz games are suitable for students of almost all ages and can therefore be used across all grade levels. Puzzle games are also a great activity for the whole family at home, for example, with mom and dad or grandma and grandpa.
Puzzle Games in the Classroom
Quiz games bring out the little explorers in students. Puzzle games for children provide new incentives and impulses in various subject areas. With quiz games, new knowledge is acquired with a lot of fun, for example, about geography, biology, or even mathematics. Especially in science lessons, card games are therefore a great way to acquire, test, and deepen knowledge.
Quiz games are well suited for everyday school life because they can also be played with multiple players or even "teams". Teachers can simply divide the class into small groups, and the fun with quiz games for children begins. Card games are also easy to transport in a teacher's bag because their practical format takes up hardly any space. The cards are also securely packed in a box and are therefore protected from creases and dirt during transport.
Advantages of Card Games
Card games in the form of quiz and puzzle games have many advantages:
- Easy Transport & Storage: The cards can be securely transported in a box, their practical format takes up little space, and they can therefore be easily taken anywhere. In addition, the cards weigh very little.
- With quiz games as quizzes, new knowledge can be acquired and existing knowledge can be tested and deepened. Since this learning and repetition process takes place during a game, it is particularly effective and fun.
- Puzzle games provide variety to other learning methods and can liven up the lesson while still being pedagogically valuable.
- Card games are very versatile. They can be played at home with the family or at school with classmates. You can play as an individual or join teams.
Discover card games, quiz games, and puzzle games at TimeTEX now. Here you will find many creative and pedagogically valuable teaching materials like educational games. Order card games for children at affordable prices online now.