Language development with picture stories in elementary school

Language development with picture stories in elementary school

How could the picture story continue? Picture stories are great for language development in elementary school and kindergarten. They don't rely on words, and because the end of the story remains open, they encourage children to create their own narrative. Now, give the picture story a permanent place in your educational institution as teaching material – Order online now from TimeTEX! Read on…

How could the picture story continue? Picture stories are great for language development in elementary school and kindergarten. They don't rely on words, and because the end of the story remains... read more »
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Language development with picture stories in elementary school

How could the picture story continue? Picture stories are great for language development in elementary school and kindergarten. They don't rely on words, and because the end of the story remains open, they encourage children to create their own narrative. Now, give the picture story a permanent place in your educational institution as teaching material – Order online now from TimeTEX! Read on…

Feelings and Emotions Picture Box "Sentimage" Feelings and Emotions Picture Box "Sentimage"
Short training exercises show daily events that trigger feelings when experienced. Glowing after a victory, sadness after an escaped canary bird, astonishment and nerves while watching a circus trapeze artist, disgust when biting into a maggot-infested apple, joy about a visit to the hospital, jealousy towards a jackpot winner, etc. The emotions are presented in a striking and easily...
  • understanding your own feelings and those of others
  • recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
  • 32 picture stories from the everyday lives of children


€37.00 *
Dice Set "Weltreise" 12 pcs., 20 mm in box Dice Set "Weltreise" 12 pcs., 20 mm in box
This dice set contains a total of 12 six-sided dice in different colours encourage creativity and imagination with great desgins. Depending on their level, children roll one or more dice and create sentences and stories from the illustrations. Each side shows a different picture. The dice are supplied in a practical box . To differentiate them more easily, the dice have the same motifs in the...
  • made of high-quality plastic, with rounded edges/corners
  • one or more dice can be used at a time
  • also ideal for use individually, in pairs or as a group


TimeTEX Innovation

€9.95 *
TimeTEX Suggestion Cards A4, 60 pcs. TimeTEX Suggestion Cards A4, 60 pcs.
These sturdy cardboard cards correspond to LPPlus and help pupils formulate and collect their thoughts . The stimulation cards trigger pupils to rethink an experience or action and encourage them to organise their thoughts and impressions. With sentence starters such as "I have learnt..." or "I am doing well because..." , free expression is encouraged and exercised . The cards are suitable for...
  • 60 A4 cards with sentence starters
  • help collect and formulate thoughts
  • help free expression


Demonstration video

€17.90 *
Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg. Lernspiel "Gefühle würfeln", 8-tlg.
Mit jedem Wurf der bunten Holzwürfel tauchen Kinder in eine Welt voller Gefühle ein, zeichnen sie und tauschen sich über ihre Gefühle aus. 3 Würfel mit Emotionen sowie 3 Würfel mit Figuren, Tieren und Berufen lassen sich spielerisch kombinieren, um damit eine der gewürfelten Aktionen auszuführen: eine Geschichte zu erzählen , ein Bild zu malen oder eine Szene zu spielen . Das „Lernspiel Gefühle...
  • soziale und emotionale Lernaktivität über Emotionen
  • Förderung der geistigen Entwicklung von den Schülern
  • Anregung zur Fantasie und Empathie
€19.90 *
Drehzeiger-Set für Geschichten, 22-tlg. Drehzeiger-Set für Geschichten, 22-tlg.
Geschichtenerzählen im Unterricht ist eine kraftvolle Methode , um die Fantasie und Kreativität der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu fördern. Es ermöglicht nicht nur eine tiefere Verbindung zum Lernstoff, sondern auch eine spielerische Art des Ausdrucks und der Kommunikation. Mit diesen unterschiedlichen Drehzeigern, die mit verschiedenen Bildvorlagen und Motiven ausgestattet sind, wird das Erzählen...
  • Drehräder mit verschiedenen Themen und Motiven
  • Geschichten erzählen mit Begriffen von bis zu 10 verschiedenen Drehzeigern
  • Förderung der Kreativität und Ausdruckskraft
  • Verbesserung des kooperativen Lernens und der Sprachfähigkeiten
€25.90 *
Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse als Erzähl- und Schreibanlässe", 80 Karten Bildkarten "Bild-Impulse als Erzähl- und Schreibanlässe", 80 Karten
Diese 80 farbigen Bildkarten bieten den Kindern vielfältige Erzählthemen . Enthalten sind konkrete Szenen, Situationen und fantasievolle Bilder zu den verschiedensten Themen, beispielsweise „Unterwasserwelt“, „Länder und Kulturen“, „Kurioses“ oder „Magisches“, mit denen die Kinder ihre Gedanken schweifen lassen können. Die Bilder sollen zum Erzählen anregen , entweder in schriftlicher oder...
  • 80 Bildkarten mit konkreten Situationen oder fantasievolle Bilder
  • regen zum mündlichen und schriftlichen Erzählen an
  • Förderung der Sprach- und Schreibfertigkeiten
€24.99 *
Set Würfel "Geschichten - Märchen", 9-tlg., 25 mm Set Würfel "Geschichten - Märchen", 9-tlg., 25 mm
Set mit 9 Würfeln und insgesamt 54 verschiedenen, märchenhaften Abbildungen zur Förderung der Kreativität und Fantasie . Je nach Alter würfeln die Kinder mit einem oder mehreren Würfeln und bilden aus den märchenhaften Abbildungen Sätze und Geschichten. Jede Seite zeigt ein anderes Bild von Piraten, Prinzessinnen, Drachen und vielem mehr. Aus den obenliegenden Bildern wird eine Geschichte...
  • Würfel-Set aus Holz
  • mit 54 verschiedenen, märchenhaften Abbildungen
  • regt Fantasie an und fördert Kreativität und Sprachentwicklung
  • je nach Alter Einsatz eines oder mehrerer Würfel
€12.95 *
Picture story cards "Der Grolltroll", 15 pcs. Picture story cards "Der Grolltroll", 15 pcs.
An impressive picture story about frustration, anger and conflict, which is also suitable for the Kamishibai storytelling theatre. Sometimes everything goes wrong: the little blue troll wants to build a hut, but it always collapses. Then he doesn't manage to harvest the delicious apple. His stomach is grumbling noisily. When he takes his anger out on his friends, they have had enough: they...
  • Picture story about anger and apologising
  • A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
  • 15 picture cards and text template
€20.00 *
Picture story cards "Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht", 12-pcs. Picture story cards "Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht", 12-pcs.
Helpfulness and peaceful coexistence are the main themes of this picture story, which is also suitable for the Kamishibai storytelling theatre. On a bitterly cold winter's night, a little rabbit knocks on Vanya's door and asks for asylum. Vanya grants him permission, but when the fox and the bear ask to be let in shortly afterwards, things become critical: will the animals keep their promise...
  • Picture story about helpfulness and peaceful coexistence
  • A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
  • 12 picture cards and text template
€18.00 *
Kamishibai wooden theatre Kamishibai wooden theatre
The Kamishibai storytelling theatre is also affectionately known as "cinema without electricity". Laminated picture cards in formats up to A3 are inserted into a box-shaped wooden frame with hinged doors, where they are displayed one after the other. The sturdy, black wooden frame with side wings automatically draws the eye to the picture cards in the centre section. You can keep an eye on your...
  • A hugely fun way to promote a culture of storytelling and enhance language skills
  • High-quality workmanship, made of 1.2 cm thick veneer wood
  • For picture cards in formats up to A3 (also laminated) or picture books
  • Vivid way to convey knowledge
€89.00 *
Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs. Emotion and Feeling Cards XL A4 "Stories from the life of a gnome", 26 pcs.
These charming picture cards show different situations from the life of the elves (humans). Some make for cheerfulness and others for melancholy. All of them are also best suited for simply thinking about it. The illustrations help the children to deal with their own feelings and to process them in little stories. It can also be used to practise and later consolidate free speaking and narration...
  • 26 colourful picture cards "Stories from the Secret Santa's Life"
  • Help to come to terms with one's own feelings
  • Encourage free speech and storytelling

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Picture Box "Stories for Adjectives Picture Box "Stories for Adjectives
With these picture stories, children learn how adjectives can be used to describe things and activities accurately. Adjectives bring language to life. They make stories vivid and exciting. Students practise declining adjectives , semantically correct use of important adjectival opposites , for example, sad – happy, thick – thin, fast – slow, light – dark, short – long, and the correct use of...
  • understand and use important adjectives
  • understand and recognise opposite adjectives
  • describe everyday situations
€26.00 *
Picture Box "Vocabulary Verbs" Picture Box "Vocabulary Verbs"
Whether you are learning your native language, a foreign language, or German as a second language – developing and gradually expanding your basic vocabulary plays a crucial role. This picture box contains important verbs from basic vocabulary. The picture cards feature schematized personal pronouns and a symbol for reflexive verbs to allow conjugation of verbs, differentiation of reflexive verb...
  • developing important verbs and expanding everyday vocabulary
  • recognize activities, name them and conjugate verbs
  • for one or more players
€28.50 *
Picture Box "Vocabulary Fruit, Vegetables, Food". Picture Box "Vocabulary Fruit, Vegetables, Food".
Whether you are learning your native language, a foreign language, or German as a second language – developing and gradually expanding your basic vocabulary plays a crucial role. These vocabulary pictures "fruits, vegetables, foods" show fruits, vegetables, and other foods. These include basic foodstuffs as well as luxury foods and beverages. The subject area is covered in extensive breadth,...
  • acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
  • recognizing and naming fruits, vegetables and foods
  • forming generic terms, arranging things according to topics, forming sentences, and much more.
€28.50 *
Schubicards German "The Mouse in the Gift" Schubicards German "The Mouse in the Gift"
Using prepositions correctly is difficult for many children, whether their native language is German or not. Both children and adults who learn German as a second language often find it very tricky to grasp the different prepositions. Even German children, especially those with language difficulties, frequently have a hard time grasping these small, abstract words. The card game "The Mouse in...
  • prepositions "on, under, over, from, in, through, beside, to, behind, in front of, on, between, against"
  • also suitable for foreign language classes
  • simple rules
€14.50 *
Picture Box "Vocabulary Body, Personal Care, Health". Picture Box "Vocabulary Body, Personal Care, Health".
Whether you are learning your native language, a foreign language, or German as a second language – developing and gradually expanding your basic vocabulary plays a crucial role. These vocabulary pictures "body, personal care, health" show body parts and items associated with personal care. The vocabulary pictures are rounded off with terms relating to health, medical care, and illness. The...
  • acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
  • recognize and name body parts, items relating to personal care, health and illness.
  • forming generic terms, arranging things according to topics, forming sentences, and much more.
€28.50 *
Picture Box "Stories for Prepositions" Picture Box "Stories for Prepositions"
With these picture stories, children learn to correctly assign spatial terms . Words such as "in, on, under, over, in front of, behind, beside, between" must be used correctly. The children's imagination is encouraged at the same time. Two prepositions are introduced in each of the 18 picture stories . Both prepositions occur twice in the story – once in the dative and once in the accusative,...
  • correctly recognise relationships between people / objects
  • correctly express spatial position, location or direction in speech
  • use prepositions correctly
€26.00 *
Picture Box "Stories for Verbs" Picture Box "Stories for Verbs"
A verb is at the heart of every sentence. This makes verbs one of the most important parts of speech. However, conjugating and using verbs is not so easy. These picture stories offer a child-friendly and fun way to practise. These 18 picture stories can be used to help children learn to name activities correctly, conjugate verbs, and use them with different sentence elements. Each of these 18...
  • understand and use important verbs
  • use the present tense in the different person forms
  • recognise the chronological sequence of an action
€26.00 *
Schubicards German "Articles Der – Die – Das" Schubicards German "Articles Der – Die – Das"
Our brain stores information better in small groups than individually. The game takes advantage of this principle from the psychology of learning and applies it to acquiring articles: four items each with the same article are grouped thematically and offered as a learning unit. Items are marked on each card by the basic colours common in many teaching materials (blue = masculine, red =...
  • a game similar to Happy Families with simple rules
  • for practising definite articles
  • articles marked in the usual basic colours (blue = masculine, red = feminine, green = neutral)
€14.50 *
Picture Box "Vocabulary Adjectives" Picture Box "Vocabulary Adjectives"
Whether you are learning your native language, a foreign language, or German as a second language – developing and gradually expanding your basic vocabulary plays a crucial role. This picture box contains important adjectives from basic vocabulary. The picture cards are divided into 12 series with 6 pictures each (sextets). Each series represents a pair of opposing adjectives , for example,...
  • developing important adjectives in everyday vocabulary
  • recognising and naming distinctions and contrasts
  • comparative adjectives
€28.50 *
Picture Box "Vocabulary Animals, Plants, Nature" Picture Box "Vocabulary Animals, Plants, Nature"
Whether you are learning your native language, a foreign language, or German as a second language – developing and gradually expanding your basic vocabulary plays a crucial role. These vocabulary pictures "Animals, Plants, Nature" show wild animals, farm animals, pets, insects, plants and their components, landscapes and animal habitats. The pictures are suitable for language development at all...
  • 11 different topics – basic and advanced vocabulary, independent of teaching aids
  • acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
  • recognizing and naming animals, plants and things from nature
€28.50 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Story
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn". Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • ideal for indoor and outdoor use
  • promotes creativity in a fun way
  • creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *
Picture Box "Tell me" Picture Box "Tell me"
The picture sequences depict scenes from everyday life familiar to children. Most of them will have experienced this themselves, or something similar. Children can recount the stories verbally or in writing , talk about their own experiences and adventures and compare them with the picture stories. The clear drawing stye and type of protagonist makes the set suitable for younger children too....
  • 26 picture sequences with 3-6 pictures each
  • compare picture stories with your own experiences
  • trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
€37.00 *
Picture Box "Little Mr. Jakob" Picture Box "Little Mr. Jakob"
Colourful picture stories describe funny situations from Mr. Jakob´s life. People of all ages will smile when he comes around with his funny dog. He gets through life´s everyday problems in his own way, with humour, full of fun and imaginatively , but never being hurtful or making fun of others, 4 coloured situation pictures can be put together to form a story. The children can tell the story...
  • 40 funny picture stories consisting of 4 pictures each
  • to smile at and tell stories about
  • trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
€37.00 *
Picture Box "Throughout the Year" Picture Box "Throughout the Year"
The colourful picture stories describe stories throughout the course of the year , teaching children about the appeal of the seasons and the weather for each season. Unexpected situations encourage imaginative solutions or show the children a host of games, ideas and adventure options in spring, summer, autumn and winter. 3 to 6 coloured situation pictures can be put together to form a story....
  • 16 picture stories consisting of 36 pictures each
  • learn about the appeal and special features of the seasons
  • trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
€26.00 *
Picture Box "Like This or Like That? How Does the Story End?" Picture Box "Like This or Like That? How Does the Story End?"
Colourful picture stories describe everyday situations from children´s lives and have two different solution cards each. Depending on the little storytellers´ interpretations, the story "This way or that way" can end differently. They can also invent their own story endings . The stories are highly suitable to help children speak and tell stories in front of a group. Practising important basic...
  • 12 picture sequences with 2 different final pictures
  • to tell stories about and discuss
  • teaches the ability to tell stories, logical thinking and development of ideas
€26.00 *
Picture Box "A Day with FLO" Picture Box "A Day with FLO"
Children´s daily routine is depicted on many coloured cards, from getting up and washed in the morning, to going to bed in the evening. These events recurring on a daily basis are familiar to children, encouraging them to talk and compare them with their own daily routine. Children can practise this verbally or in writing . The picture cards are also suitable for recounting events. The clear...
  • 75 coloured picture cards
  • events recurring daily between getting up and going to bed
  • trains storytelling skills, precise observation and comparison
€26.00 *
Picture Box "Before, After and During" Picture Box "Before, After and During"
24 coloured picture sequences show how and where things or people have changed in 3 pictures. The same yet different: at first the apple is whole, then it is cut in half. At first the sheet is blank, then a colourful child's picture can be seen. Children should find out what happened in between and which tool, appliance or machine was required. The child-friendly, appealing pictures encourate...
  • 24 picture sequences with 3 individual pictures each
  • find out how the "before" turns into the "after"
  • for inspection, comparison and storytelling


€26.00 *
Picture Box "E-MOTION 2" Picture Box "E-MOTION 2"
Joy, anger, curiosity, sorrow: why is the child making that face? Powerful emotions are part of everyday life for children. Feelings have triggers and understanding these is an important foundation for being able to comprehend how other people think and behave . The children can use the image materials supplied to recognise and understand the causes of fifteen different emotions. The cards...
  • understanding your own feelings and those of others
  • recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
  • image cards for up to 15 different feelings


€26.00 *
Picture Box "Find the Ending" Picture Box "Find the Ending"
Recount picture stories with an open ending How could the stories continue ? Seven imaginative stories and seven stories from everyday life are told up until their climax. The ending is left open , the children should find it for themselves. This boosts vocabulary, storytelling abilities, free speech and logical thought, but also imagination, development of ideas and a delight in making things...
  • 14 picture stories with an open ending
  • for recounting and embellishing
  • teaches the ability to tell stories, logical thinking and development of ideas


€26.00 *
Dice Set Stories "Imagination", 12 pcs.18 mm in box Dice Set Stories "Imagination", 12 pcs.18 mm in box
A total of 12 six-sided dice for encouraging creativity and imagination with great desgins. Depending on their level, children roll one or more dice and create sentences and stories from the illustrations. Each side shows a different image. The dice come in a practical box , the black print on the white dice is particularly easy to recognise. The pictures on top form a story, beginning with the...
  • made of high-quality plastic, with rounded edges/corners
  • one or more dice can be used at a time
  • can be used well individually, in pairs or as a group


TimeTEX Innovation

 Demonstration video


€9.95 *
Set of Silent Dice 6 pcs."Images", 4 cm Set of Silent Dice 6 pcs."Images", 4 cm
These soft cubes are just right for children's hands, as they are very sturdy, despite their soft feel. In addition, they do not make any noise when thrown and are therefore ideally suited for teaching and free work. No disruptive noises! Set "images" 6 pcs Making up stories can be fun, encourages creativity and offers endless possibilities for the imagination. The images on the dice should...
  • dice set with pictures that inspire children to make up stories
  • stimulating imagination and creativity
  • 2 dice each, specifying a person or an animal, a place or a means of transport and an action

Demonstration video


€19.90 *
Dice XXL "Stories" in case, 106 pcs. Dice XXL "Stories" in case, 106 pcs.
This set contains 15 large dice made of plastic that you can design yourself using the accompanying 90 motif stickers (people, animals, belongings, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) as you wish. The pupils can build sentences or tell stories based on the images thrown on the dice. The level of difficulty can be controlled by the topic and the number of dice used, that's why the dice are also useful...
  • 15 large plastic dice
  • can be freely designed with the included motif stickers
  • to form sentences and tell stories, also in foreign languages


Advisory video


€44.90 *
Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills Learning Game Ball "Pello" - Stories/Social Skills
The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn".Movement incentives have a very positive effect on the physical and mental development of children. In addition, the game promotes the development of social skills. The educational game balls act as a link between cognitive and motor development. Children can work with the ball independently, in partner...
  • The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
  • promotes the development of social and motor skills
  • suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
  • improves power of concentration and is fun

TimeTEX Innovation

€19.90 *


Picture Stories – Teaching Material for Vocabulary, Grammar & Storytelling

Picture stories in elementary school or kindergarten are not only fun, but they also play an important role in children's language development. Kids eagerly await the next picture to find out how the picture story continues. The ending remains open, making language promotion with picture cards simple. Picture stories can be easily and quickly integrated into German lessons by teachers.

Picture cards in elementary school promote vocabulary, parts of speech & sentence structure, individual storytelling ability, free speaking, logical thinking, and the development of children's ideas. The best part: the variety of themes and short stories help children with concentration difficulties to focus, and children with language difficulties can be well included and specifically supported through picture stories. Additionally, they encourage shy students to speak and tell stories in a playful way. This boosts self-confidence and helps children experience storytelling as a positive activity.

Why Use Picture Cards for Language Promotion?

  • Careful observation and description
  • Expansion of vocabulary
  • Interpreting facial expressions & gestures and talking about feelings
  • Promotes logical thinking and idea development
  • Improves storytelling ability and free speaking

When Is It Appropriate to Start Using Picture Cards?

The use of picture cards is suitable from the age of 4. Make sure to integrate the stories playfully to gradually develop the children's skills without overwhelming them. While simpler picture stories with little text are suitable for four-year-olds, more complex picture stories can be used with five-year-olds in kindergarten. These stories can include more characters and more complicated sequences of actions. Picture stories are also effective for children learning German as a second language, provided they have a basic vocabulary.

Our TimeTEX tip: Show the stories picture by picture to keep the children's attention on the picture story until the end.

Discover creatively designed picture stories for kindergarten & elementary school online. We offer picture stories that train dealing with surprising situations and emotions or appropriate behavior in society. Order picture stories from TimeTEX now!

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