- understanding your own feelings and those of others
- recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
- 32 picture stories from the everyday lives of children
- made of high-quality plastic, with rounded edges/corners
- one or more dice can be used at a time
- also ideal for use individually, in pairs or as a group
TimeTEX Innovation
- 60 A4 cards with sentence starters
- help collect and formulate thoughts
- help free expression
Demonstration video
- soziale und emotionale Lernaktivität über Emotionen
- Förderung der geistigen Entwicklung von den Schülern
- Anregung zur Fantasie und Empathie
- Drehräder mit verschiedenen Themen und Motiven
- Geschichten erzählen mit Begriffen von bis zu 10 verschiedenen Drehzeigern
- Förderung der Kreativität und Ausdruckskraft
- Verbesserung des kooperativen Lernens und der Sprachfähigkeiten
- 80 Bildkarten mit konkreten Situationen oder fantasievolle Bilder
- regen zum mündlichen und schriftlichen Erzählen an
- Förderung der Sprach- und Schreibfertigkeiten
- Würfel-Set aus Holz
- mit 54 verschiedenen, märchenhaften Abbildungen
- regt Fantasie an und fördert Kreativität und Sprachentwicklung
- je nach Alter Einsatz eines oder mehrerer Würfel
- Picture story about anger and apologising
- A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
- 15 picture cards and text template
- Picture story about helpfulness and peaceful coexistence
- A creative approach to language development in daycare centres, nurseries and primary schools
- 12 picture cards and text template
- A hugely fun way to promote a culture of storytelling and enhance language skills
- High-quality workmanship, made of 1.2 cm thick veneer wood
- For picture cards in formats up to A3 (also laminated) or picture books
- Vivid way to convey knowledge
- 26 colourful picture cards "Stories from the Secret Santa's Life"
- Help to come to terms with one's own feelings
- Encourage free speech and storytelling
TimeTEX Innovation
- understand and use important adjectives
- understand and recognise opposite adjectives
- describe everyday situations
- developing important verbs and expanding everyday vocabulary
- recognize activities, name them and conjugate verbs
- for one or more players
- acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
- recognizing and naming fruits, vegetables and foods
- forming generic terms, arranging things according to topics, forming sentences, and much more.
- prepositions "on, under, over, from, in, through, beside, to, behind, in front of, on, between, against"
- also suitable for foreign language classes
- simple rules
- acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
- recognize and name body parts, items relating to personal care, health and illness.
- forming generic terms, arranging things according to topics, forming sentences, and much more.
- correctly recognise relationships between people / objects
- correctly express spatial position, location or direction in speech
- use prepositions correctly
- understand and use important verbs
- use the present tense in the different person forms
- recognise the chronological sequence of an action
- a game similar to Happy Families with simple rules
- for practising definite articles
- articles marked in the usual basic colours (blue = masculine, red = feminine, green = neutral)
- developing important adjectives in everyday vocabulary
- recognising and naming distinctions and contrasts
- comparative adjectives
- 11 different topics – basic and advanced vocabulary, independent of teaching aids
- acquiring important nouns for everyday vocabulary and expanding vocabulary
- recognizing and naming animals, plants and things from nature
- ideal for indoor and outdoor use
- promotes creativity in a fun way
- creates room for movement and promotes imagination skills
TimeTEX Innovation
- 26 picture sequences with 3-6 pictures each
- compare picture stories with your own experiences
- trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
- 40 funny picture stories consisting of 4 pictures each
- to smile at and tell stories about
- trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
- 16 picture stories consisting of 36 pictures each
- learn about the appeal and special features of the seasons
- trains storytelling skills, precise observation and logical thinking
- 12 picture sequences with 2 different final pictures
- to tell stories about and discuss
- teaches the ability to tell stories, logical thinking and development of ideas
- 75 coloured picture cards
- events recurring daily between getting up and going to bed
- trains storytelling skills, precise observation and comparison
- 24 picture sequences with 3 individual pictures each
- find out how the "before" turns into the "after"
- for inspection, comparison and storytelling
- understanding your own feelings and those of others
- recognising, expressing and learning to deal with feelings
- image cards for up to 15 different feelings
- 14 picture stories with an open ending
- for recounting and embellishing
- teaches the ability to tell stories, logical thinking and development of ideas
- made of high-quality plastic, with rounded edges/corners
- one or more dice can be used at a time
- can be used well individually, in pairs or as a group
TimeTEX Innovation
Demonstration video
- dice set with pictures that inspire children to make up stories
- stimulating imagination and creativity
- 2 dice each, specifying a person or an animal, a place or a means of transport and an action
Demonstration video
- 15 large plastic dice
- can be freely designed with the included motif stickers
- to form sentences and tell stories, also in foreign languages
Advisory video
- The learning game balls have been developed in line with the motto "play, move and learn"
- promotes the development of social and motor skills
- suitable for lesson changeovers / independent work
- improves power of concentration and is fun
TimeTEX Innovation
Picture Stories – Teaching Material for Vocabulary, Grammar & Storytelling
Picture stories in elementary school or kindergarten are not only fun, but they also play an important role in children's language development. Kids eagerly await the next picture to find out how the picture story continues. The ending remains open, making language promotion with picture cards simple. Picture stories can be easily and quickly integrated into German lessons by teachers.
Picture cards in elementary school promote vocabulary, parts of speech & sentence structure, individual storytelling ability, free speaking, logical thinking, and the development of children's ideas. The best part: the variety of themes and short stories help children with concentration difficulties to focus, and children with language difficulties can be well included and specifically supported through picture stories. Additionally, they encourage shy students to speak and tell stories in a playful way. This boosts self-confidence and helps children experience storytelling as a positive activity.
Why Use Picture Cards for Language Promotion?
- Careful observation and description
- Expansion of vocabulary
- Interpreting facial expressions & gestures and talking about feelings
- Promotes logical thinking and idea development
- Improves storytelling ability and free speaking
When Is It Appropriate to Start Using Picture Cards?
The use of picture cards is suitable from the age of 4. Make sure to integrate the stories playfully to gradually develop the children's skills without overwhelming them. While simpler picture stories with little text are suitable for four-year-olds, more complex picture stories can be used with five-year-olds in kindergarten. These stories can include more characters and more complicated sequences of actions. Picture stories are also effective for children learning German as a second language, provided they have a basic vocabulary.
Our TimeTEX tip: Show the stories picture by picture to keep the children's attention on the picture story until the end.
Discover creatively designed picture stories for kindergarten & elementary school online. We offer picture stories that train dealing with surprising situations and emotions or appropriate behavior in society. Order picture stories from TimeTEX now!